
Returning Former Member

After several years I'm returning as a member. I was an active member a few years ago, but during the height of COVID, tempers flared, and I dropped out of the forum. But I always lurked as a non-member, reading posts every day. I interacted with a lot of the older members and have watched a lot of new members join over the last few years. I just want to get back into the action again. Over the years, sometimes I forgot that I had dropped out when I wanted to respond to posts that I was following and couldn't, as not being a member anymore! lol Anyway, I'll dip my feet back into the pool slowly. Oh, and I am using a different username. Maybe some of the old timers might be able to figure out my old handle as I post stuff down the road! It's good to be back.
Welcome back sir!
Nope. My old username was my real name. Can't go by that these days. I think I left the group before you joined.
so i joined in '21........during the scandemic........you left before that time......??

i must have read some of those threads.....

he got grumpy 3 years ago and haven't posted since a reloading thread went off rails about 223 data (or something like that)
I seen so many people get riled up over who's reload is the best or recipe as some call it. so one is an inch per second faster. dead is dead. I told one so if i lob a grenade from the launcher on my M-16 and it hits three feet from you and don't blow you to bits but yer still dead. what difference does it make. same with deer hunting rounds, sheesh. to some only aa 30-06 will kill a deer.