
Review: Hi-Point JXP 10mm — An Overgrown Yeet Canon That’s a Lot of Fun!

I got the chance to shoot one. A friend bought one. Honestly I liked shooting it. Recoil was very manageable. And it hit what you pointed at. Lot of firepower for 200 bucks
True skunk:

While I never owned any Hi-points nor do I think I will ever own one:
Yes they are heavy, ugly, a pain to clean however they are like AK's they can get filthy with mud, sand and will fire anything you got.

I've seen videos of others who absolutely despise Hi-points and wanted to show everyone just how crappy Hi-points are. They guy actually brough a few Hi-points. I was amazed at how many things they did to the Hi-point and it kept working without any issues. Finally they put concrete in the barrel, let it harden then shot it. Well, that finally worked and the Yeet Cannon blew its brains out. Strange how the curator did not offer to put concrete in the barrel of his pistol for comparison ❓

So for those who do not want or can afford another type more costly firearm the lower price is a big selling point.

I got to give Kudos to Hi-point to build a 10mm pistol which can be easily upgraded to a tactical 10mm with a can.
I got the chance to shoot one. A friend bought one. Honestly I liked shooting it. Recoil was very manageable. And it hit what you pointed at. Lot of firepower for 200 bucks
My wife had the .45 acp hi point carbine. It always went bang no matter whst it was fed, it was surprisingly accurate it was easily to use by all skill levels, and it was like the Energizer bunny , it just kept running.

It was also very heavy for her and a pain to clean.

If it was all I could afford, I would not feel underarmed.