
Review: Springfield Armory XD-M Elite 3.8" Compact OSP 10mm

Welcome to the forum Daddy'O!
Had same thoughts before on Wasp w/other HG's. From what have heard and read so far, not sure because the mounting footprints are supposedly different. HEX Wasp is intended for for smaller compact HG's like Hellcat. XDM is larger than Hellcat. HEX Dragonfly has a different footprint intended for larger HG's. Dragonfly seems to cowitness to a degree that may work for some people, but isn't a full cowitness like on the Hellcat. To cowitness you may or may not have to replace front sight to suit your style and needs. Have seen comments go both ways as far as cowitnessing with same setup. There's more reviews out there on them all.

This link is one with a pic of a Dragonfly on it. Hope it helps you visualize cowitness clearer.
Is best could find at the time.

Thank you, Bob! That was most helpful. 👍
Im on the hunt. Think that I'll get 1 and compare with my G29. Y'all got leads on where and how much?
I had a local gun shop put it on his watch list. A distributor of his called him on Wednesday and said they got the 1st one thru the door that morning. Because he was on the xdm-elite 10mm watch list he got the 1st phone call. I picked it up yesterday. Maybe ask your local favorite dealer to add it to his watch list and see if you can't get one quicker... his distributor said they may see one a week for a couple weeks before they are shipped in any quantity. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with your "hunt", hopefully this may help
Received my xdm-elite 10mm yesterday. The gun shop installed the optic, sighted it, I'm ready to go !!... cannot wait to go to range this morning and try it out. It showed up just 3 weeks behind my ronin 10mm.. should be an eventful day !!


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Thanks for the heads up.
My local dealers don't have any.
I'm in Reno this weekend and and checked with everyone, including Cabelas and Scheels. Nada.

A search on Wikiarms.com, Gundeals and Gunbroker.com gave me exactly 1 supplier.

I expect to pay full retail for it at this point.
I really want to put 1 in my hand 1st and see how the grip and trigger compare to my G29 before spending $$$ on it.
Dragonfly seems to cowitness to a degree that may work for some people...

This link is one with a pic of a Dragonfly on it. Hope it helps you visualize cowitness clearer.
Is best could find at the time.

My experience is that the setup does not co-witness at all, it basically functions in the opposite.
I recently purchased a 3.8 Elite in 9mm (OSP). I ended up removing the red insert in the front sight because all it did was distract my eye from where it needed to be. When the dot is visible, the front sight is not visible. So if your eye picks up the front sight, for me it is instinct to put the front sight on the target. It really slowed me down.
Thanks for the input, guys! I'm definitely putting this 10mm on my shopping list... But for next year after things have settled a bit. Besides, I just got a Hellcat OSP (with a Romeo Zero RMR and Apex Trigger) and don't want to tap the piggy bank again too soon after that little splurge.
My experience is that the setup does not co-witness at all, it basically functions in the opposite.
I recently purchased a 3.8 Elite in 9mm (OSP). I ended up removing the red insert in the front sight because all it did was distract my eye from where it needed to be. When the dot is visible, the front sight is not visible. So if your eye picks up the front sight, for me it is instinct to put the front sight on the target. It really slowed me down.
Only with suppressor height sights are they co-witness from my experience.
Yes I agree it may be beneficial to remove the light pipe as that is a good argument.
My experience is that the setup does not co-witness at all, it basically functions in the opposite.
I recently purchased a 3.8 Elite in 9mm (OSP). I ended up removing the red insert in the front sight because all it did was distract my eye from where it needed to be. When the dot is visible, the front sight is not visible. So if your eye picks up the front sight, for me it is instinct to put the front sight on the target. It really slowed me down.

Cowitnessing can be different to different people from others examples have heard and seen stated too. If trying to cowitness and the optic blocks view of the irons? To me, it usually means need another style or type of optic or if possible raise front or rear iron sights.

To some people, cowitness is a variable of vision of the iron sight and complete vision through an optic, sometimes only partially seeing irons and sometimes just enough to aim. Am guessing that's good enough for some people? To me and likely many others ideas, true cowitnessing means completely seeing and using both sights and both at once in case of failure of one or the other.

Sometimes forgotten about? Optic adapter plates, when available, also do raise the optic from the slide, sometimes negating cowitnessing on some guns blocking original iron sights not set up for one particular optic footprint. It isn't always just stop, drop and plop any old optic to any old gun. - Wish it was just that easy every time. There's different optic footprints to consider as well as just the optic itself. - The specs of ALL the particular project are very important to go over beforehand and before buying or trying to mount any optic to verify fitment. Tying it all together can be very easy or a pain, just like trying to find an appropriate holster afterwards can be after mounting the optic on HG's.
I just got back into my Hometown and checked with my local dealer and go figure exclamation poyet! Hes got one in stock for $550!
I must say I'm not impressed with the trigger feel but the grip felt great, much better than the G29.. I will go home and re acquaint myeah re acquaint myself with my G29 and see if my memory served me well. I may just go to the shop tomorrow and pick that baby up!!
Is SA still including a discount coupon code for accessories when a purchaser reports their purchase to SA?
When you register it online, you get a 1 time purchase within 90 days. They don't send you anything, its on your account from registering.

I found this out when registering my new XDm Elite 10mm yesterday!

I went back to my LGS and took my G29 for a side by side. Still not impressed with the trigger, but it is a striker.
I field stripped her, lubed her up (Sounds like like a date I once had ... ) then went an ran 50 rnds of Blazer through her. No problems.
She is typical in kicking the brass a measured 15 ft to my 4 o'clock.


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Received my xdm-elite 10mm yesterday. The gun shop installed the optic, sighted it, I'm ready to go !!... cannot wait to go to range this morning and try it out. It showed up just 3 weeks behind my ronin 10mm.. should be an eventful day !!
I ordered the OSP version and was planning on putting my Holosun 507 or my Trijicon on it, I can't find anywhere if the Optics Plates are included or if I need to hurry up and get one ordered up? Do any of you know if this comes with optic plates? Thanks!