
Review: Springfield SAINT Victor 9mm Pistol

That is a short one. I can see an application for it. But a little too short for my taste and it's black.
Great concept, great article! Two of the key lessons in position defense is to have loaded magazines prior to the need to shoot, and to not run out of ammo. a solution to both is to minimize the variety of cartridges (standardize on 5.56 and 9 for home defense). This 9 mm Saint is a great solution to those who prefer 9 mm. What about those of us who think that the .45 ACP subsonic hollow point is the best round for home defense? Is it feasible? BCA offers the .45 ACP in a short blow back design.
That's just a laser right? A light would be mandatory for HD.
Depends on your situation really. I have low level lighting and can easily navigate my house with zero light. I also don’t have kids or anyone in other rooms to worry about.

That said, the light would go on the side of the rail not the top. There’s still plenty of room if you wanted it in on top though since the only thing on the rail would be an optic. No need for BUIS.
Depends on your situation really. I have low level lighting and can easily navigate my house with zero light. I also don’t have kids or anyone in other rooms to worry about.

That said, the light would go on the side of the rail not the top. There’s still plenty of room if you wanted it in on top though since the only thing on the rail would be an optic. No need for BUIS.
Once a light is attached in that one Mlok slot there's gonna be no room left for hand. Unless you wrap your hand around the light also.