we just finished our supper (yes, we eat at about 4PM), and now i want to throw up.
Seriously what do you expect it’s a New England state bordering Connecticut and Massachusetts.What a disgrace. A judge isn't a public safety manager. He is suppose to uphold the constitutions and make sure laws are fair. His ramblings about "this is to save future victims" is a mass of hot wind. Nothing but the typical spineless white flag thrown up as a virtue signal to the weak of mind and spirit.
and the worse part is the light jail times they get due to those bleeding hearts.. all the while thier victims either lay 6 feet in the ground, or are crippled for life.“…which on Sunday will make possession of a large capacity gun magazine a felony in Rhode Island.”
This is the national bleeding heart trend, IL is next up.
They‘re lumping this felony charge on the same statute as a Criminal possession weapon use offenses. These lawmakers are not only ignorant, they’re going to make their examples on the law abiding citizens rather than the criminals using the outlawed weapons during their violent offenses, which as thugs, are protected by all sorts of justice reforms flouting these stupid bans and restrictions.
well, here is "another way" to look at things..“…which on Sunday will make possession of a large capacity gun magazine a felony in Rhode Island.”
This is the national bleeding heart trend, IL is next up.
They‘re lumping this felony charge on the same statute as a Criminal possession weapon use offenses. These lawmakers are not only ignorant, they’re going to make their examples on the law abiding citizens rather than the criminals using the outlawed weapons during their violent offenses, which as thugs, are protected by all sorts of justice reforms flouting these stupid bans and restrictions.
as Colion Noir says on his You Tube channel....."it's all about control" ... "they cannot control the criminals, but they can control the law abiding citizens".@Old_Me
It seems now in this country you must be a felon to "have" rights. Our country is completely upsidedown.
They are more than likely going to pass a very restrictive firearms law here in Illinois, that will force law abiding citizens to "register" with the State Police. Meanwhile Chicago lawlessness goes unabated. Pretty soon our country going to be segregated like it was before the civil war. Instead of slaves and non-slaves this time it'll be the part of the country that allows firearm rights against those that don't.
and that purpose is to controlThere is absolutely no ignorance existing here on the left. It is done with purpose and intent, with a long-term plan, and they are proceeding faster than even they thought possible. Saying politicians are ignorant about any of this issue is disingenuous. They know exactly what they are doing and why. And judges have been political since the dawn of time...
The only ignorance is with the sheeple.