
Road Rage Advice

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Not so sure I agree with the part about looking away from the attacker to de-escalate. If someone is attacking me like that, I will keep my eyes on them. Insurance will pay for the damage to my vehicle, but in that instance when the driver's side door window was completely shattered, I would shoot, and I think I would have been justified, at least here in Texas.
Like everyone else I don't agree with looking away.

It's also been my experience that apologizing no matter who is at fault goes a long way towards deescalating most situations.

I would definitely be on the phone with the cops and establishing myself as the victim.

I would also draw a hard line at breaking mine or my family's windows.
Wow, can’t watch it unless I sign in to make sure I’m not a bot, I don’t have it will have an account with Google, YouTube and such…….
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I use a VPN and get the same message to log in to verify I'm not a Bot. If I really want to view the video, I disconnect from the VPN, and it allows me to view it. Afterwards I reconnect to the VPN. I suppose Google/uTube wants the true IP address that is doing the accessing. I noticed that Fox New website videos are also only viewable if I disconnect from the VPN. It's a pain in the neck to have to do this in my opinion.
If driving on a 4 lane divided highway stay in the left lane if possible. The right side of your car gives you some added protection. Also, assuming the other driver is right handed he/she would not have an advantage if shooting over the left arm which will be steering the car. If you are right handed then you have an advantage should the need arise.
If driving on a 4 lane divided highway stay in the left lane if possible. The right side of your car gives you some added protection. Also, assuming the other driver is right handed he/she would not have an advantage if shooting over the left arm which will be steering the car. If you are right handed then you have an advantage should the need arise.
Sure, as long as you're getting after it. Otherwise you're just another tool in the left lane who shouldn't be there. Which is a great way to begin a road rage incident actually.