
Road Rage Advice

The left lane is the hammer lane. If you're not a hammer, stay out of it! At least in Texas.
I can't tell you how many fights I could get into with D-heads who get pissed at me when I pass them on the right. Or if I'm too close to them while they're doing the speed limit or less in the left lane with plenty of opportunity to get out of my way. Anymore when they act stupid I just smile and wave. No point in getting my blood boiling over some ****. Unless he brake checks me. Then I'm running his ass into the ditch.
even as a former trucker, i always wished i could have just pushed them off the road.

even these days at my age, i wish i had the Simon & Simon pick up truck...


i too sicken and tire of the ignoramuses' on the roads, in the neighborhoods, every where i go.
Good friend of mine in Houston got arrested
Major traffic jam and he was in the right lane waiting to exit down the ramp to the access road. Car kept trying to get by him on the shoulder to get around and cut everyone off .

He served his giant sUV into the car and pushed it into the ditch.
In my experience, when you start riding over into them they will willingly drive themselves into the ditch.
I use a VPN and get the same message to log in to verify I'm not a Bot. If I really want to view the video, I disconnect from the VPN, and it allows me to view it. Afterwards I reconnect to the VPN. I suppose Google/uTube wants the true IP address that is doing the accessing. I noticed that Fox New website videos are also only viewable if I disconnect from the VPN. It's a pain in the neck to have to do this in my opinion.
Paying for something that yes is trying to keep your data safe and also controlling your life. I had VPN subscription for about a month, dropped that 💩 fast.
In Montana they have a law that if your on a regular two lane road and you have more than 5 cars behind you; you are required to move over and let them pass you. Keeps traffic moving.
Texas as well.
Morons, those who are clueless, on their phone or out for a Sunday stroll dont care. Happens everyday. All day .

Just because folks have a drivers license doesnt mean they are good at it. Kinda like firearms
Texas as well.
Morons, those who are clueless, on their phone or out for a Sunday stroll dont care. Happens everyday. All day .

Just because folks have a drivers license doesnt mean they are good at it. Kinda like firearms
I will admit that I don’t drive over the speed limit but I do stay to the right and make every effort possible to get out of the way of people who I can tell they are in a hurry.
When I’m traveling now I’m usually towing a 9000 pound 5th wheel so I’m usually driving slower than the posted speed limit anyway and for the most part people are courteous.
The best way to avoid road rage is to drive better. It's not 100% but I think most road rage comes after someone makes a driving mistake.
Not always the victims fault.

I was with my family driving down the highway in the left center lane of a 4 lane section doing highway speed. Very sparse traffic. Daylight. No other cars around me.
Truck came up the entrance ramp and came across 3 lanes and about sideswiped me, then got right in front of my bumper. I had to honk and swerve to avoid a wreck.
He got pissed off and spent the next 10 min trying to corner me against the rail or ram me. Speeds from 10mph to near 100mph.

Wasn't about to get in gun battle with family in car .

7 police cars showed up to get him off the highway and arrest him