The death toll is subsiding. There is a rumor that it was the on-coming warm weather that killed the coronavirus. The rumor claimed that the virus would perish at temperature over 25 deg. C, ignoring the fact that the same viruses usually claimed the human body at 42 deg. C. It is the ultra-violet sun wave that kills the viruses. The loss of destructive potency came after the coronaviruses had proliferated though certain number of generations; the number still awaited to be determined. This is a direct evidence that the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 was engineered or man-made. “Transduced” viruses always revert to their wild type, losing their insertions of transduced DNA that conveyed fatality to humans. This is analogous to a soldier like Rambo losing an arm or two after many battles overseas. In time, all “transduced” viruses will lose the killing capacity that they were engineered for, just like soldiers turning to become civilians. The common cold virus never disappears like the MERS and the SARS viruses because the cold viruses are natural products of evolution through tens of millions of years.