
Russian warships


And a nuclear sub passed 26 nautical miles from Key Largo on their way to Havana. They were being closely watched by American Destroyers.

Certainly this is in response to the Biden administration giving the green light for Ukraine to use American weapons to strike inside Russia.
Russia is lucky if they can field more than 3 warships or 3 bombers to do “drive by’s” of the US or any legacy adversary … other than nukes, their force projection beyond 200 miles of their border is waning
According to some general last year they have enough to have a presence in the Pacific Ocean as well as the Atlantic. And the missiles they carry travel 7000 MPH.
Consider this:

Why don’t they want a cruise missile sub close to home?

Is it because their ships are getting hammered in ports, and this gets it out of range?

Because it takes a whole lotta support, expensive support, to make a little cruise like this for them..and they don’t have the resources to spare.

Note: Along with the Kazan, the Project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the heavy ocean-going tug Nikolai Chiker (also sometimes written Nikolay Chiker), and the Project 23130 replenishment oiler Academic Pashin also sailed into the port of Havana earlier today.

Russian ships have a tendency to break down so ocean-gong tugs are deployed with other ships just in case.


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Navies do deployments all the time.
And the Russians do it with very little ships. Their Navy and armed forces for that matter are a shadow of the cold war.. they’d be lucky if they could field more than 3 bombers to “patrol off Alaska” for force projection . Even for Ukraine, their bomber fleet in the air to launch cruise missiles is simplistic at best .

An Ocean going tug means you know your 💩 is junk and bound to break down
I can’t help but wonder what Chyna is up to. They prob see the next few months as their best opportunity to move on Taiwan. I hope I’m wrong.
China wont move on Taiwan…

China isnt as worried about USA…
Its India and a toe to toe billion man army isnt in their best interest.

China and India will be a 💩 show war as both have nukes.. add in Pakistan that India hates and Taiwan is the least of Pac Rim issues..
As a Floridian, I can tell you this happens all the time. We have Russian surveillance trollers off the coast continuously and they run war games with the Cubans on a regular schedule. Not a big deal at all.
Btw the “Russian military warship” that actually parked 26 miles of the coast was actually one of those pesky surveillance trollers, not an actual warship. They stayed far out to sea. Not that it would matter, as long as they don’t cross that 12mi line they’ll won’t be sunk like the Ukrainian's like to do.
Nothing new, Soviet/Russian boomers have operated off our coasts for at least the past 50 years. The fact they “showed” one only is saber rattling, not any “change” in the reality of things. A boomer setting near the bottom in an unknown location is a lot more serious than any sub on “display”😏
During the entire Cold War there were conflicts across the world, and the major powers balanced each other in Europe with more military forces than exist today.

Now another "short" European dictator wants to resurrect an Empire and destroy his own country in the mean time vs. bettering the life of his people.

US politicians and business leaders created another Asian power by off-shoring/selling out a lot of it's manufacturing base & educating the youth of an ideology committed to creating another Empire.

On top of all that a certain ideology tries to change the US into a form of both through identity politics.

If you forget history, & show weakness, it will repeat itself.
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