I recently picked up a new Andro Corp ACI-15 from Midway USA. Upon further inspection, I can see some orange spots on the internal side of the safety selector as well as the external side. In addition to this, I can see it present on the internal side of the bolt catch as well as the external side of the castlenut endplate towards the stock. I tried using Ballistol and Hoppes 9 with a rag and nylon + brass brush and I am having trouble removing all of it. In addition to this, inside the interior of the magwell I can see some white discoloration. I thought that this was a blemish in the finish from test fitting a magazine and I tried using CLP as well as Birchwood Casey's aluminum black, but it does not remove it. It appears that the white spot has a trail leading up to the top of the magwell, and I was wondering if this was corrosion instead since the lower is Aluminum? Is this surface rust and corrosion, and if so, would it be worth making an RMA request over? How would I go about removing it?