
Sadly, another example of why we carry!

It was just a matter of time before the “he is great kid” story came out:

From the article:

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $71,000 for Morales and Carson's friends to take time off work to mourn.

"We are a collective of Ryan's close friends, reeling from a brutal loss," the page says. "We are asking for your help on behalf of his partner in easing the burden and stress of this horrifying situation so that we can have space and time to grieve and remember Ryan. Immediate needs are to offset the costs of working-class people taking time off of work to properly mourn."
From the article:

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $71,000 for Morales and Carson's friends to take time off work to mourn.

"We are a collective of Ryan's close friends, reeling from a brutal loss," the page says. "We are asking for your help on behalf of his partner in easing the burden and stress of this horrifying situation so that we can have space and time to grieve and remember Ryan. Immediate needs are to offset the costs of working-class people taking time off of work to properly mourn."
“Hey! Carson’s dead. What do you want to do?
Go to Disneyworld!!!!
How are we gonna pay?

That “collective of friends” are gross.
From the article:

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $71,000 for Morales and Carson's friends to take time off work to mourn.

"We are a collective of Ryan's close friends, reeling from a brutal loss," the page says. "We are asking for your help on behalf of his partner in easing the burden and stress of this horrifying situation so that we can have space and time to grieve and remember Ryan. Immediate needs are to offset the costs of working-class people taking time off of work to properly mourn."
Well, that answers that question. I wanted to read the rest of the post before asking you to please tell me you were joking, guess not.
From the article:

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $71,000 for Morales and Carson's friends to take time off work to mourn.

"We are a collective of Ryan's close friends, reeling from a brutal loss," the page says. "We are asking for your help on behalf of his partner in easing the burden and stress of this horrifying situation so that we can have space and time to grieve and remember Ryan. Immediate needs are to offset the costs of working-class people taking time off of work to properly mourn."
$71000 to mourn!! I have lost too many family members in the past 18 months, and I get...oooh, maybe 3 to 5 days off WORK to deal. No financial bonus.. OMG, I just had the week from hell at work, I could really go off the rails here but.......

Nah... that's more than I make in a year. I just took a deep breath, and a shot of Cuervo. I'm good. Lady Karma is a good friend of mine. :cool: Just remember...snowflakes ALWAYS melt.
It was just a matter of time before the “he is great kid” story came out:

i can hear some of the video...sounded like the teen was either hopped up on drugs (nothing new there), or had a mental issue( betcha his lawyer plays that up)...

either way, he IS a killer, caught on video, evidence that cannot be disputed.

scumbag lawyer will probably get him off, and he be in a "mental" ward till he's 21.....
With “friends” like those? To me he didn’t have any…….

I’ve watched the video a few times and it doesn’t seem the girlfriend is very distraught watching her boyfriend getting stabbed to death but that’s just my impression.

I’ve said it many times….. the world is turning to 💩 and the stinking pile of excrement just keeps getting bigger.
With “friends” like those? To me he didn’t have any…….

I’ve watched the video a few times and it doesn’t seem the girlfriend is very distraught watching her boyfriend getting stabbed to death but that’s just my impression.

I’ve said it many times….. the world is turning to 💩 and the stinking pile of excrement just keeps getting bigger.
I am guessing she was in shock. Total mental shut down. “This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening…”
That is something she won’t ever be able to unsee. For that i wish her well and do feel bad that she lost her boyfriend to some maniac with a knife. I am trying to keep my compassion.
It certainly does seem that the world is going bonkers.
It certainly does seem that the world is going bonkers.
1) the world went "bonkers" decades ago when, mental institutions were shut down for at least 1 reason, being "inhumane"...

2) the world went "bonkers" decades ago, when the flood gates to immigration opened up, and all the scum, rude, ignorant, demanding, self righteous iceholes, from other countries came here to set up shop.

3) the world went "bonkers" decades ao, when anti-government protesters were allowed to destroy buildings, public parks, statutes, and other sight-seeing vacation spots in major cities.

4) the world went "bonkers" decades ago, when the ACLU stood up for the American Nazi group(s) of various other sects, saying they have a right to preach hate against all except white people....(and by the way, try and find PURE AMERICAN WHITE PEOPLE), as many born Americans have roots from other countries, like France, Italy, Africa, etc,etc....yes, there ARE WHITE Africans......

5) the world went "bonkers" decades ago, when the death penalty was abolished in many states, for at least 1 reason.."it's inhumane".....yet the victims rights, or lives, didn't matter to the killer(s)

many more "went bonkers decades ago".........but you get an idea, that thanks to the bleeding hearts libtards, both in the voters and those in office, this world went to 5hit..........decades ago.
scumbag lawyer will probably get him off, and he be in a "mental" ward till he's 21.
Let's not lay all the blame on the lowest form of life known to exist. Some of the blame needs to go to the next to the lowest form of life. The self for filling prophecy, witch doctors claiming their pervert based (Freud, Masters & Johnson.) theories presented as science, psychobabble, head shrinkers.
Other than that, a big (y)
Let's not lay all the blame on the lowest form of life known to exist. Some of the blame needs to go to the next to the lowest form of life. The self for filling prophecy, witch doctors claiming their pervert based (Freud, Masters & Johnson.) theories presented as science, psychobabble, head shrinkers.
Other than that, a big (y)
well, i would have said, low life's, lower than whale snot, but the whales are not part of this....unless an errant Orca, with glaucoma, missed a flotilla, and let them pass on by..??
1) the world went "bonkers" decades ago when, mental institutions were shut down for at least 1 reason, being "inhumane"...

2) the world went "bonkers" decades ago, when the flood gates to immigration opened up, and all the scum, rude, ignorant, demanding, self righteous iceholes, from other countries came here to set up shop.

3) the world went "bonkers" decades ao, when anti-government protesters were allowed to destroy buildings, public parks, statutes, and other sight-seeing vacation spots in major cities.

4) the world went "bonkers" decades ago, when the ACLU stood up for the American Nazi group(s) of various other sects, saying they have a right to preach hate against all except white people....(and by the way, try and find PURE AMERICAN WHITE PEOPLE), as many born Americans have roots from other countries, like France, Italy, Africa, etc,etc....yes, there ARE WHITE Africans......

5) the world went "bonkers" decades ago, when the death penalty was abolished in many states, for at least 1 reason.."it's inhumane".....yet the victims rights, or lives, didn't matter to the killer(s)

many more "went bonkers decades ago".........but you get an idea, that thanks to the bleeding hearts libtards, both in the voters and those in office, this world went to 5hit..........decades ago.
Tabernacle! Regrettably, I would have to use copy/paste from another thread, you made me do it

With “friends” like those? To me he didn’t have any…….

I’ve watched the video a few times and it doesn’t seem the girlfriend is very distraught watching her boyfriend getting stabbed to death but that’s just my impression.

I’ve said it many times….. the world is turning to 💩 and the stinking pile of excrement just keeps getting bigger.
Welcome to manhood in this century. Lots of women and feminist want equal rights, crap on men as being toxic, and say they don't need us, when they're in danger, most men most will put themselves in harms way without even thinking about it to protect women and children. The latter would rarely do the same for us.

In most caught on video assults where women are present, they typically look for or call other men for help, flee, beg, or freak out. There are some women that aren't like that, but I'm speaking in general terms.

That said, the many times I have seen women jump right into action and put themselves in harms way without even thinking about it is typically only when it comes to their children. When it's men or even themselves in many cases, not so much. It is what it is.
Wanna know somethin? I don’t much care what happens in any of the East Coast states! I am 78 spent my tour in the Nam as a Marine Lt., spent 23 years as a LAPD cop, got shot up and retired, spent a number of years doing executive protection, then got my P.I. License. I have been there and done that. If people are good be stupid, let them be stupid. I am 78, probably not long for this world, and I-have little use for the “woke” generation. Our genetic pool is deteriorating rapidly.