I’d give the chamber a good scrub then make sure the bcg is oiled and that the extractor thingy is setting in there correctly... when the issue happens again, I’d take the gun apart to see if it’s dry.
I was scared that my new AR would have the same ‘bolt stuck forward/jam’ issues that a few Saint owners have documented on YouTube ... so as soon as I received the AR, I scrubbed the chamber. There was no dirt, no crud, but tiny pieces of the red chamber flag in there.
The only problem I’ve had with my new Saint is the following: I pull the trigger, trigger stops halfway, I hear a click. I drop the mag and pull handle back, live round ejects. When the above situation happens, it’s always a PMC Bronze. It happens maybe every 1 in 80 rounds.
Your issue could be a dirty chamber, a dry bcg, or we got the same questionable batch of PMC Bronze. Since it’s happened with another brand of ammo other than pmc, it probably had something to do with the gun getting too dirty or too dry.
THanks I will give the chamber a good cleaning.