Hello, I just wanted to see what everyone thought about this pistol for those who own one. I recently bought this pistol for a great well below market price. This is my first handgun that I have owned (the last pistol I shot was the M9 Beretta in the Army in 2003) and I cleaned it and took it to the range. I was impressed by the grouping, my shots were pretty close together (my error was shooting low and to the left). From what I can tell my pistol is accurate I just need to practice more. I was worried at first buying a pistol at below market value, and also it was the one that was on display, so I have no idea how long it was in the case. However I am impressed by it, once I work on my grip and trigger control it should be fine for my liking. I was wondering what all have your experiences been with this firearm? Oh and to note I have only shot about 300 rounds through it, both 115g and 125g FMJ (Blazer).