
Say when


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The possibility of a violent revolution isn't over. :( Some people just won't take no for an answer. If it comes it is probably going to be ignited by something stupid. God Bless the USA, though sometimes I wonder why he would bother.
yeah, maybe another highway shut down, and several cars, and trucks just ramming them all.

enough is enough of protesting on the highways

that'll start some shite for a civil war....
Guys, yer talkin about the View, their only agenda is to get people stirred up so they will watch that BS. if folks would stop giving a crap what they say, their ratings would plummet and they would boot their ass off TV. but long as the viewers are there, even those that hate them. the TV station don't care it's all about ratings. I never watched a second of that ignorant show or even watched a video of someone condemning them. I don't know what they say and don't care, my condemnation of them is to not pay no attention to anything pertaining to them.
yeah, maybe another highway shut down, and several cars, and trucks just ramming them all.

enough is enough of protesting on the highways

that'll start some shite for a civil war....
A revolution and civil war are two very different events. By definition a revolution is the people against the government whereas a civil war is the people against the people. That one line in the recent movie Civil War says it all: "Americans, huh? What kind of Americans?" With mixed marriage (conservative married to a liberal) households being very commonplace these days, I don't really see how a civil war could result in any sort of resolution. However, a Civil Revolution on the other hand...........
Guys, yer talkin about the View, their only agenda is to get people stirred up so they will watch that BS. if folks would stop giving a crap what they say, their ratings would plummet and they would boot their ass off TV. but long as the viewers are there, even those that hate them. the TV station don't care it's all about ratings. I never watched a second of that ignorant show or even watched a video of someone condemning them. I don't know what they say and don't care, my condemnation of them is to not pay no attention to anything pertaining to them.
People will never stop watching that crap just as CNN will continue to spew lies. I think Trump is onto the solution. Every single time a news outlet, or someone on The Spew says something disparaging about either party, the person(s) being spoken of need to file a multimillion dollar lawsuit. After the networks pay out enough in settlements, those offending outlets of hate will be taken off the air.
People will never stop watching that crap just as CNN will continue to spew lies. I think Trump is onto the solution. Every single time a news outlet, or someone on The Spew says something disparaging about either party, the person(s) being spoken of need to file a multimillion dollar lawsuit. After the networks pay out enough in settlements, those offending outlets of hate will be taken off the air.
In addition, I've watched CNN and the like thinking to myself "Wow. Have Americans really become that stupid?!!"

A revolution and civil war are two very different events. By definition a revolution is the people against the government whereas a civil war is the people against the people. That one line in the recent movie Civil War says it all: "Americans, huh? What kind of Americans?" With mixed marriage (conservative married to a liberal) households being very commonplace these days, I don't really see how a civil war could result in any sort of resolution. However, a Civil Revolution on the other hand...........

Is it nieve of me to hope for a "Civil Resolution"? ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Saul Alinsky laid it out pretty clearly in his Rules for Radicals. You need an issue people will rally around to gain power, doesn't matter what the issue is. They are not issue driven-they are power driven. If they can find another issue that gets better traction, they will discard LGBTQ and DEI like a dirty diaper. Liberals are flailing about, throwing things against the wall to see what sticks and are energizing fringe loonies. Their nuttiness blew up in their faces on November 5 when sane Americans had enough of it. I hope they keep on talking trash, the crazier the better, right through the mid terms. When your opposition seems determined to self destruct, don't get in their way.