So on another thread, an Alpha came in to ask/complain that they could not find any Saint Edge’s. So I hopped on did a 10 second search and found several in stock options including this Edge pistol. Rated as used excellent and at half the price of a new one. Hmmmm XDMAN likes……! So instead of immediately answering the thread I jumped on that, and adopted a new Edge. This makes for like number 20 saint overall and my second Edge pistol. Now does not pay me anything and I did not get a discount. It took 3 days to get to me, and upon inspection if this girl has had more than a magazine run though it I would be shocked. The Maxium Defense brace has a small smudge of the anodizing on the main section but other than that, this hot rod is cherry. I actually think this was a dealer demo unit and they got scared with the whole brace thing and dumped it. All in all I am happy with they are legit. And as a dealer we have sold a ton of stuff on them with no issues. And I was even able to score a highly sought after item that has been discontinued at a great price.