

It's true, they are introducing a bill to expand the Scotus by 4 nominees. I also read that they are bringing legislation to give D.C. Statehood as well. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/548126-house-committee-passes-dc-statehood

To answer Bassbob's question, Yes they will need a 60 vote supermajority for it to pass in Senate which I do not expect they will get. I dont see republicans voting for this and I'm willing to bet a few of the more moderate democrat senators will vote against it. Just my 2 cents.
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So, this is much ado about nothing.

There is no way they get 60 votes.

It's showboating, grandstanding, just like when Republicans were going to repeal ACA/“Obamacare”.
HaaHaaa! Right. The Repubs fought like hell against Obama care when he was President........now they want to own it!!
Just this minute heard the dems have announced they plan an attempt to enlarge (pack) the SCOTUS by 4 jurists to a total of 13. If that happens it will be nothing less than deleting a juducial body and adding another legislative body to our gov't with no accountability! Lot's to think about and consider here, for those on both sides.
Yes they are going to try. Currently the split is 6 conservative to 3 liberal, they want for to make it 7/6 in their favor. This way they can try to pass all the anti-gun legislation that they can, knowing that if it gets appealed to the SCOTUS that they will win. Sad place we are in right now.
They are trying, and they are also trying to blow up the filibuster, which will allow them a simple-majority win instead of 60 votes.

As well as DC statehood, and an attempt to destroy the Electoral College.

Full Speed Ahead, destroy the nation. That's their mission right now.

