
See if you can pick out the things written by each of these "Gun Gurus" that made me roll my eyes.


Excerpts from this month's NRA mag America's First Freedom.
What's The Ultimate Home Defense Gun ?
Three Gun Gurus Politely But Passionately Disagree...

Richard Mann.
"Some will argue that a shotgun is more intimidating, but I can tell you from my 13 years of experience as a police officer that all guns are intimidating. This is mostly because no one wants to get shot with any type of firearm. Some also argue that a shotgun has more stopping power. That’s partly true, but, as with all firearms, the more devastating they are on the muzzle end, the more recoil there is on the shooter’s end. I trained a lot of law-enforcement officers and found that most of them dread shotgun training because of recoil. It’s generally not a great idea to trust your life to a firearm you dread to shoot. Finally, while the pattern a shotgun throws can make hitting a bit easier, hits with only a portion of the shot pattern are less effective and the pellets that miss could endanger the innocent.

The shotgun does have the advantage of versatility when it comes to ammunition. A common home-defense load for a shotgun is 00 Buck, but its large pellets penetrate very deeply and can be hazardous to family members in another room. At home-defense distances, bird shot is a more viable option."

Jeff Johnston:

"I also like the fact that a shotgun can change stripes by simply loading it with various types of ammo. Certainly, it’s a short-range gun compared to a rifle, but it has better range than a handgun. Need to shoot a rabid skunk at 30 yards? Load a
No. 6. Want rounds that won’t penetrate into the next room? Load bird shot and sleep soundly. Want a round that will down a charging grizzly? Use a 385-grain slug load. The point is, a shotgun can be tailored for specific scenarios, depending on the defender’s needs."
The bird shot house load always makes me cringe. I can tell they’ve never shot any wallboard with birdshot to see what happens.

I’m always afraid this advice will lead to overconfidence in the “safety” of the load.
i have a very old house, no wallboard but "horse hair and plaster" and the whole dang wall will come down....maybe even the ceiling........

which i'd never want a shotgun in my house

so (for me) both writers made my eyes roll as well.
Yeah, birdshot.

Having known someone who took a close range birdshot hit and not only lived, but had to be restrained from assaulting the person that shot him (accidentally, but, still)…birdshot is a big no for defense. It should only be used on things with feathers and mammals weighing under 10 pounds.

#4 buckshot for inside the home.
As for recoil. Any able bodied man that can’t handle the recoil of a shotgun- I dunno that’s pretty weak. Hell I’m 74 and run 12 bore a fair bit. I wouldn’t want to run a couple hundred rounds per setting through one, but twenty five is no biggie. Skeet or sporting clays? 50 rounds is easy. (Now 3 or 3 1/2 mags ain’t that much fun (but they’ll sure dust a goose WAAY out there😊
#4 is the minimum acceptable SD load IMO.
Pretty close to agree with Bob on this, but my 1st preference would be '0' buck if I were to use a shotgun for home defense. I've not done any actual in-house testing, but from what I've seen in the field I think I'd prefer something just a little heavier than #4. And I do recognize that he said the #4 would be his 'minimum' acceptable SD load, so we may be closer to agreement than it first appears. (y)
Pretty close to agree with Bob on this, but my 1st preference would be '0' buck if I were to use a shotgun for home defense. I've not done any actual in-house testing, but from what I've seen in the field I think I'd prefer something just a little heavier than #4. And I do recognize that he said the #4 would be his 'minimum' acceptable SD load, so we may be closer to agreement than it first appears. (y)
My shotguns are loaded with Federal Flite Control 8 pellet 00B.

I use #4 for training.