
Self Defense shooter charged

Let us know when that happens because in your state you are going to need one of us to bake you a cake when we come and visit you in prison.
I predict that even if he is convicted it will be appealed and overruled.
I predict that, win or lose, appealed and overturned, whatever happens, the moonbats in Mass. are going to go out of their way to make his life hell for as long as possible. Can't put him in jail, then they will bankrupt him. As for the shooting itself. GOOD! Where the 🤬 dose someone get off thinking they can use violence because they don't like what someone else says? I guess they libtards think they can loot, pillage, rape and murder at will. Oh wait they can, ANTIFA & BLM. So, what's a little assault to shut down free speech?:mad:
It’s no secret that if you’re carrying in Mass you better be extra diligent. Even here in Texas if you are assaulted in public you have to use reasonable force to defend yourself. If someone is assaulting you with their fists and you shoot them it’s not a given that you will walk. If they’re using a baseball bat or a pipe it’s a different story. You have to know the laws of your state.
I'm in Texas and whatever happened to "life is in danger" concept? I'm sorry, but there are so many legal Rubics Cube games with self defense it's dizzying. I follow the Gurhka rule. If I pull I'm drawing blood.
I'm in Texas and whatever happened to "life is in danger" concept? I'm sorry, but there are so many legal Rubics Cube games with self defense it's dizzying. I follow the Gurhka rule. If I pull I'm drawing blood.
The issue is people don’t do scenerio based training (force on force for lack of a better term) . In reality a gun is only a legal option in less than 10% or physical encounters. But people treat it like it’s a magic death Ray and the mere possession of it will ward off evil.

That whole “reasonable force” is mentioned in the use of force laws of all 50 states. Situations and scenerios change quickly so folks really should be able to change gears.

I have drawn a firearm several times and then the dynamics changed that quick that it was not a legal shoot (as in you’d have a hard time saying you acted in a reasonable capacity)

Every time you use a firearm it’s investigated as a Homicide or attempted homicide and other people get to decide if a subsection farther down in the criminal code mentions “except” when and you have explained it well enough that a 75 year old career 2nd grade teacher is convinced of it!
Defending your home and your property is different to the situation mentioned at the beginning of this thread. Castle Doctrine is quite clear. Out in public and someone assaults you does not give you carte blanche to blaze away. Feeling that your life was under threat is your defense claim and what your lawyer would use assuming you are arrested. It is not a get out of jail free card. You still have to establish the threat was credible. Luckily the burden of proof typically rests with the prosecution, but the defendant still has to provide evidence.

Again, do not assume that you know the law because some told you or you took a defensive handgun class. Know the Law.

This might help for Texas:
