
Self Defense: When a Trigger Upgrade Becomes A Hair Trigger

True story here and I related it in an earlier thread .....

One issue which I've seen mentioned here several times was in carrying a lot of ammo. He had a concern that in a shoot situation that some lawyers would/could argue you were looking for trouble based on the amount of ammo carried. He didn't site any known examples of it happening, but said he could see it ultimately being an issue in some cases. There is always a first!

But his real concern, and again no example sited, but he had a real serious concern about making any mods to the ammo. He specifically mentioned it would/could be a hard argument to win if you were using re-loads and used them in a shoot ..... good or bad, and especially if they could be proven to be hotter, faster, heavier, etc, than a common factory round. But even more of a concern was to not modify factory ammo. Such as a hacksaw slot, or a cross slots across a hollow point bullet. Or drilling a FMJ to create a 'home made' hollow point, etc.

His thoughts were that any home made mods to any ammo or even just home made ammo would likely lead to a charge of malicious intent over and above any other related charges.

Just something to ponder on y'all.
Any prosecutor, no matter what will do, say, dig up and throw whatever they can to get what they can. “Well he was driving a truck with those loud, aggressive looking tires, before he squeezed the trigger”, “of course he was out looking for trouble, he was wearing cowboy boots” they will throw down pictures of your horses and cattle and let the whole jury know that anyone who drives big trucks wearing cowboy boots and packing heat is nothing but a trouble maker. That’s what they do.
Any prosecutor, no matter what will do, say, dig up and throw whatever they can to get what they can. “Well he was driving a truck with those loud, aggressive looking tires, before he squeezed the trigger”, “of course he was out looking for trouble, he was wearing cowboy boots” they will throw down pictures of your horses and cattle and let the whole jury know that anyone who drives big trucks wearing cowboy boots and packing heat is nothing but a trouble maker. That’s what they do.
You're exactly right. And I think that's kinda what my lawyer was trying to get across. As bad as it can be when you don't necessarily do anything outside the norm ..... it'll likely be way worse if they can claim you did something extra and out of the ordinary. Just imagine what line a good lawyer could make around you hack sawing slots or geooves across an already deadly projectile like a HP.
You're exactly right. And I think that's kinda what my lawyer was trying to get across. As bad as it can be when you don't necessarily do anything outside the norm ..... it'll likely be way worse if they can claim you did something extra and out of the ordinary. Just imagine what line a good lawyer could make around you hack sawing slots or geooves across an already deadly projectile like a HP.

Oh I know it’s ridiculous.
I wrote a few days ago that we no longer have truly a 'Justice' system, we have a 'Legal' system. By that I mean there is little justice to some cases and others are decided more on 'legalities' than actual law as it was intended.

I understand that in the strictest terms we should prefer the 'legal' system to a purely system of 'justice'. However so little is decided anymore on the strictest terms of the what the law says, but more on what some shyster lawyer can make a convincing argument on, or a judge who is willing to legislate from the bench might decide.

It shouldn't be that way, but it has been for a long, long time and gets worse as time goes on. It's hard anymore to make the argument "We are a nation of laws" when we have literally become a "Nation of mostly legalities."

Just this man's opinion.
I guess this is how I look at it:

I’m really not loyal to any brand—but I am loyal to what WORKS for me.

If I get a gun with a trigger I think needs to be better for carry...I’ll find another gun with a better stock trigger before I’ll modify.

There are plenty of choices out there.