Oh and in addition to the FOID card, long before the COVID craze, the illinois state police were underfunded. The ISP is in charge of all things FOID. For example, renewals are supposed to be processed in less than 30 days. Mine has never been less than 6 months. Now, with COVID at least, if you have a receipt for your application to renew, they give you an 18 month extension. A lot of folks won't accept that. So I'm legally allowed to own/possess but I'm having a hard time with purchases of ammo and firearms because my card expired dec 1 2020. I applied for renewal in September.
Some folks are suing for speedy renewals but that's been dragging on for months as well. It's a bad scene here, I don't think it's going to improve any time soon
Wow!!! If this doesn't sound like an 'infringement' on "keeping and bearing", I don't know what would sound like it. We must remember the word 'infringement' doesn't necessarily mean 'preventing'. It means any in way restricting or hampering whatever the action is. Guys, it's imperative we watch closely any effort from our elected leaders, and especially the incoming ones, to further infringe on our 2nd amendment rights. We must take every legal action to resist any attempts at so-called 'common sense' gun control legislation. The wording of the 2nd amendment is about as 'common sense' as it gets!
Another thing that has become readily apparent from the posts in this thread is the many different 'legalities' and 'technicalities' in the requirements to buy/sell personally owned firearms. Where I live, the basic requirement is that it is illegal to sell to anyone known or that you should have known to be a convicted felon, a known mentally deficient person, or a habitual drug abuser, or under the legal age of consent without a parent or guardian's permission. I don't have any issue with that.
In my mind the 2nd is arguably the most important of all the amendments (if there is an order of importance) to our constitution. If we don't do everything in our power to protect and defend it, we'll lose it bit by bit. And I'm awfully afraid guys, that if ever lost, we'll never again have it. Just look at how long it took to resolve and correct the infringement in the 'Heller' decision in DC.
Ever since 1934 we responsible and law-abiding gun owners have submitted to one after another little bits of "common sense" gun control legislation to where we are now. And in all the laws and regulations created and foisted on us over many years, not one has proven to be effective in preventing firearms from getting into the hands of criminals, crazies, and or druggies. Not one has been shown to be effective in preventing any crime with a firearm simply because until there is a gun crime, there is no gun crime statistic.
'Gun Control' claims are nothing more than a trojan horse in the worst sense. Our constitution guarantees out FREEDOM, it does not and cannot guarantee our SAFETY. Crime of any sort can rarely be prevented beforehand except by a fear of a severe enough punishment (deterrent) that it will in fact deter one from committing that crime. We don't have very many deterrents today severe enough to deter anyone with a mindset to commit the crime in the first place and now we're hearing about letting convicted criminals out by the thousands, de-funding the police, and making things harder for law enforcement in general.
Now don't mistake the previous paragraph to mean I'm OK with out of control LEO's, bad cops, etc. I'm not in the least. Cops are typically and should be held to a higher standard of conduct than the general public. LE is their chosen profession. It's mostly a thankless job they do, and they typically do it for all our benefit. They should be compensated accordingly, supported to the max when acting within the law, and shown the respect they deserve.
Sorry, didn't mean to get on my soapbox ............. but dammit I'm tired of seeing our freedoms restricted one by one/bit by bit, especially those freedoms directly expressed in the constitution, and reading some of these posts simply reminds me just how deeply our 2nd amendment rights have been infringed upon in various places.
In an earlier thread I said my only New Year's resolution was to never again make a new year's resolution, however after thinking a little more about it I realized I can and will make a serious effort to resist in every legal and ethical way any legislation called 'gun control'.