When I was still working doing distributed security and a slowdown occurred either in the distributed (server), or mainframe (large IBM computers) environments, users would always report it as a "Siteminder" problem
(even though Siteminder was a distributed security/authentication product that sat behind the DMZ firewall). It got to the point where
ANY problem was a "Siteminder" problem & the upper Management started to believe it
. This put extreme stress and pressure on me and my team then having to prove each of these false accusations wrong (like trying to explain that the Mainframe environment (when a problem occurred there), wasn't even handled by Siteminder, as it was a Distributed security product
). God I'm glad I'm retired
. But I digress. Below is output of msdos tracert command:
Tracing route to thearmorylife.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 8 ms 2 ms 1 ms xxxxxxn [nnn.nnn.n.n] *My Router name and IP masked out by me*
2 19 ms 8 ms 9 ms
3 10 ms 12 ms 10 ms
4 19 ms 35 ms 20 ms gateway-be6-dc112pnt2.dc11.ptd.net []
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * 48 ms ae-1-11.bear1.Washington111.Level3.net []
7 84 ms 23 ms 22 ms
8 20 ms 28 ms 20 ms e3.1.cr02.iad01.mtsvc.net []
9 19 ms 24 ms 20 ms e1.4.as02.iad01.mtsvc.net []
10 20 ms 23 ms 19 ms vzs324.mediatemple.net []
11 32 ms 27 ms 17 ms thearmorylife.com []
Trace complete.
I changed to root c:\ and directed tracert to a file ("cd c:\" then "tracert thearmorylife.com > trace.dat"). I used Windows file explorer and opened the file using notepad, and masked out my router name and IP address. I ran this command under my Window 7 desktop computer, and ran the traced several times (only including the last tracert run, since I forgot the operand to modify rather than to over write, the file (operand to append to filename is >> instead of just 1 > to the filename. i.e. "tracert thearmorylife.com >> trace.dat" or whatever filename you select), with time outs almost always at #5 and once both #5 & #6. I've not really experienced any slowdowns. But perhaps it is a "Sitemider" problem