
Short-Mid Range .30 Glass…

Well, just to stir the pot a bit....... "hostile forces" could be anything from Capitol attackers to terrorists to the Government to any other anti-democratic agent. My position is to be an at-home, static, self-defensive entity.
All the above should be handled by the proper law enforcement authorities to not get yourself tied up in any legal troubles.
Well, Bob, the bottom line is that we're all ultimately responsible for our security. My personal plans don't put a lot of faith in the hope that the cavalry will arrive before bad S&&T happens.
PS - Love that bass. I'm a guitar guy, myself.
Thanks buddy. It's a 2015 Spector NS-4 Mike Starr sig bass. My number one up to that point was my '74 Rickenbacker 4001, which is now relegated to use only when I am in a Rush or Yes mood.

I'm also a guitar guy, though I only ever play guitar at home for my own enjoyment. My favorite set up is a 2014 American Special Tele ( with Texas Specials) through my 1961 Fender Brown Deluxe, which is loaded with NOS 40s Blackplates, Amperex Bugle Boys and a Celestion Alnico Cream 90.

And I agree vehemently about being responsible for our own security and that of our families.
Thanks buddy. It's a 2015 Spector NS-4 Mike Starr sig bass. My number one up to that point was my '74 Rickenbacker 4001, which is now relegated to use only when I am in a Rush or Yes mood.

I'm also a guitar guy, though I only ever play guitar at home for my own enjoyment. My favorite set up is a 2014 American Special Tele ( with Texas Specials) through my 1961 Fender Brown Deluxe, which is loaded with NOS 40s Blackplates, Amperex Bugle Boys and a Celestion Alnico Cream 90.

And I agree vehemently about being responsible for our own security and that of our families.


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