
Should i sell mine?

This one guys comment is the best and no it's not me. lol

Glad i got my Hi Point 10mm over 900 rounds through mine think ill keep it as my primary 10mm!!
It’s a Glock! Of course you should sell it and buy a real pistol! Real guns are steel with walnut grips, not plastic-plastic is for toys😳….

Now that I’ve lit the fuse on that bomb, I’d have a hard time believing a Glock would “blow up” using ANY factory ammunition (unless you’ve got a barrel obstruction before firing-ie a squib load followed by a normal load). I hate ‘em because they just don’t feel right to ME, but Glocks have a darn good reputation and that didn’t come from building poor quality/defective firearms.
i'll state that i DON'T still use any factory barrels in either of the 7 glocks i have. it wasn't about safety or lead bullets, it's just about having threaded and/or ported barrels. every once in awhile i'll use the factory barrels. about the chamber support issue with case bulging, i reload those w/o resizing using a de-bulger (or whatever it's called). i DO reload at top pressures. i'd say it's a weak frame issue in those going boom. then again we don't know how the firearm was maintained/serviced either!
Well, can’t watch it without signing in……but no, keep it, I don’t believe in any of the YouTube crap, you have no ideal if they used reloaded ammo at very high pressures or what else they done to there so called test pistol, just like the videos of the P320 dropping them on floors and gun goes off….. all staged just for views and likes
I with Anni sometimes that media cheap is a bunch of BS