I've heard this simple advice many times from experienced shooters regarding this very topic ..............................
If you are afraid, or even slightly concerned about carrying your CCW with one in the chamber, put your carry gun on loaded with a snap-cap one day while you're going to be home all day and wear it. Go about your normal activities as if it didn't matter. At the end of the day check the gun to see if it had discharged while you were wearing it. Do this several times over several days if you feel the need until you're comfortable the gun is safe while being carried.
I won't ever advise anyone how to carry/wear their CCW, but I will say it ain't likely you'll get a second chance to charge the gun when/if you ever actually need it. If that time ever happens, it'll sure seem silly why you didn't charge it at home when you put it on.

Jus' sayin' !!!