
Show off your 1911

Like most things guns, brands are mostly preference. However, not all 1911-A1's are manufactured alike.

Reputation is generally a good indicator of quality. But we gotta keep in mind that there'll be people who'll find fault with Omega Speedmaster, the official watch of NASA, and a copy of which was directly responsible for saving lives of Apollo 13 astronauts.

A full-size 1911-A1 should be engraved upon Mt Rushmore. Dump the bald eagle. Make the 1911-A1 the official symbol of the USA. We need to returned to gold-back currency. A ounce US gold coin should have the likeness of John Moses Browning on its head side and the likeness of a full-size 1911-A1 on it's tail side.

As for me, I've sold all of my former 1911-A1's and have gone with strictly Springfield Armory. Other 1911-A1 aficionados have identical affinity for their favorite brands. As long as they're reliable and accurate, we gotta go with their making right choices for them.

I could write a book about why I've decided to sell my former 1911-A1's, including 2 Colts, and throwing in with Springfield Armory. I did do a lot of research. I've talked with law enforcement armorers, one of who flat told me that the Springfield Armory TRP .45 Auto should be the official and only firearm of all of America's police agencies. It would make sense for all of America's cops to carry the identical duty firearm. But that's not possible with bureaucrats screwing up the simple. Imagine how efficient it would be were a cop from Anaheim Police Department, in pursuit of a dangerous, fleeing felon to Rampart where LAPD cops were waiting to assume command and control, and able to hand the Anaheim cop a replacement TRP because his took a round during the pursuit?

Many manufacturers market top flight 1911-A1's. It pares to individual preference and brand loyalty.

I will not reveal the brand name: I've heard more shooters' dissatisfaction about a purportedly "premium" manufacturer of 1911-A1's than all other brands combined. That brand seems to be over-represented in the preowned 1911-A1 market.

I've never heard of a complaint from a Springfield Armory shooter except concerning one issue involving guns sold only in CA. The irony is it's CA DOJ's firearms roster's fault, not SA's. Within 2 weeks and at no expense, SA Custom Shop had my EMP 3 shooting like a Stradivarius. That gun is 100% reliable and incredibly accurate, which is my segue to this: Springfield Armory's excellent customer service is unequaled in American industry, not merely firearms. SA's customer service professionals are extremely respectful and dedicated to customer satisfaction. Samsung makes excellent TV's. Try talking to a living, breathing Samsung customer service representative. Good luck with that ;-)
I picked up a Guns&Ammo magazine when I went food shopping this morning.
The 1911 on the cover really caught my eye.
NightHawk Agent 2 Commander 9mm
Beautiful gun, very aggressive looking.
So I’m home enjoying a coffee and reading the article.
Are you freaking kidding me??
Someone please tell me why so much money???
I picked up a Guns&Ammo magazine when I went food shopping this morning.
The 1911 on the cover really caught my eye.
NightHawk Agent 2 Commander 9mm
Beautiful gun, very aggressive looking.
So I’m home enjoying a coffee and reading the article.
Are you freaking kidding me??
Someone please tell me why so much money???

Hand built by one person, not an assembly line...a lot of hand fitting goes into those high-end 1911’s. You get that perfect balance of extreme accuracy AND reliability.

Also, because someone will pay that much for it.
I picked up a Guns&Ammo magazine when I went food shopping this morning.
The 1911 on the cover really caught my eye.
NightHawk Agent 2 Commander 9mm
Beautiful gun, very aggressive looking.
So I’m home enjoying a coffee and reading the article.
Are you freaking kidding me??
Someone please tell me why so much money???
I’m questioning why we don’t have a picture of this beautiful work of art lol.
I picked up a Guns&Ammo magazine when I went food shopping this morning.
The 1911 on the cover really caught my eye.
NightHawk Agent 2 Commander 9mm
Beautiful gun, very aggressive looking.
So I’m home enjoying a coffee and reading the article.
Are you freaking kidding me??
Someone please tell me why so much money???
Beautiful hand made guns and like Hans said, "Because somebody will pay that much for it.": For a gun just as well made for a LOT less, look into Springfield Custom shop or Les Baer Custom. If you WANT to spend that much or a little more, look into Atlas Custom guns.
Springfield Custom Shop modded Milspec

Trijicon Night Sights
Flush cut and crowned barrel
Speed trigger
Flat MSH
Hammer and beaver tail
Springfield's 1911 Defensive Package:
1. Deburr pistol internally 2. Tune extractor & ejector 3. Recut barrel throat & polish feed ramp 4. Install custom match bushing 5. Check headspace 6. Install new recoil spring & firing pin spring 7. Tuned 4.5 lb. trigger 8. GI Models: Lower & flare ejection port; install extended ejector 9. Refinish as needed (Additional charge for some finishes) 10. Reliability tuning 11. Inspect & test fire for function
Refinished in Satin Black Armory Kote

Later I added a Springfield ambi safety and Smith & Alexander mag well.