How I managed to purchase this Range Officer is another story. My wife has had a good laugh at me because I ordered the Parkerized version as I wanted to be more towards the old classic GI 45. I don't have it a week and
the modifications started. All the Mods came from BH Spring Solutions in Indiana. Here in picture #1 you'll see that it has ambidextrous safety and mag release. Yeah, grips changed too. When you see pic #2 you'll get a clearer idea
of the reasoning for the grip change.
Here in picture #2 you'll most likely notice the extended slide release and that the safety is not stock. Still have
trouble reaching the slide release. Of course, Air Force Grips!
Lastly a look at the SFS that I'm always boring folks with. Well, it is neat, I think. When you are in locations where you can OPEN carry, seeing the hammer back when in condition 1, can make a lot of those unfamiliar very nervous.
"Does that guy/gal know his gun could go off?" To preclude that I installed the SFS system an instructor at my
range put me on to. Left pic is the pistol uncocked like it says!

To the right the pistol is in condition one with
the hammer forward. The procedure is to c*o*c*k the pistol normally. Then push the hammer forward. It goes almost all the way. At the same time the safety will engage. To use the pistol simply depress the safety, the hammer will spring back. Then it's all normal squeeze the trigger, BANG! To re-engage the safety once more just push the hammer forward again.