
Show off your 1911

To put the Sig 1911 in my safe, I had to move this to make room.....yea, it’s a Kimber......yea it’s a 1911.....and yea in 9mm...View attachment 11975
I'll take it now that you're throwing it away :sneaky:, it will go nice with my new (and recently bought), Kimber Target II Stainless Steel 1911 in 9mm also (it's the first 1911 I have in 9mm). 😉😆

No, I won’t throw it away.....lol....that’s a nice 1911 you got there.
I know, just kidding. Thanks Anni, it was one of the last few pistols the LGS had. Since I didn't have one, I figured I'd buy it before it went to someone else. Unfortunately, my LGS hasn't gotten any Sigs, Berettas, or FNs in, so I'm restricted to SARs, Caniks (both which I've also bought recently), and this Kimber. I wouldn't mind owning a SIG 1911, It's a nice pickup for you, and keeps you away from MY Python. 🙂
Nice Anni, I've got the same model that I bought a few years ago. It shoots as accurate as my more expensive 1911's as well. Good luck with it.
I actually went down to the gun shop to look at a Colt Competition model in .45, they still have it but price went up from 1100.00 to 1495.00 in just little over a week, passed on that and saw the Springfield, liked how it felt and got t.