
Show off your Every Day Carry!

I have several firearms that I've accumulated over multiple decades, used to do a lot of trading. I have to admit I've been influenced quite a bit over the years searching for the next big thing. My recent purchase of the Echelon is evidence of that. I keep telling myself I don't anymore more guns. We'll see
Glad I'm not alone in that regard. I'm on a S&W kick right now. Waiting for one to arrive at my FFL. I don't NEED it but...
I've always been a big fan of S&W. My usual daily carry gun is a M&P 2.0 9mm with a Trijicon RMR 6 MOA red dot. Also my nightstand gun is another M&P with a Trijicon SRO 5 Moa red dot. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm thinking the Echelon might be a very good carry gun.
I've always been a big fan of S&W. My usual daily carry gun is a M&P 2.0 9mm with a Trijicon RMR 6 MOA red dot. Also my nightstand gun is another M&P with a Trijicon SRO 5 Moa red dot. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm thinking the Echelon might be a very good carry gun.
The weather here is getting cool enough for me to comfortably carry my M&P9 2.0 with a hoodie or a sweater. I have an Equalizer and it's good with lighter clothing, but I just bought (yet to take possession of) a M&P9 2.0 subcompact. I love the trigger on my bigger one, so...
I had zero guns when i joined this site and thanks to the enablers here i now have two.
Know what you mean. It's real easy to be influenced by individuals/groups that may or may not have more knowledge than you. Been there, done that and I still get caught up in it. I like to have contact with like minded people but over the years I have learned how to filter out some of the BS from actual knowledge. Good luck to you...Roger in Texas
The weather here is getting cool enough for me to comfortably carry my M&P9 2.0 with a hoodie or a sweater. I have an Equalizer and it's good with lighter clothing, but I just bought (yet to take possession of) a M&P9 2.0 subcompact. I love the trigger on my bigger one, so...
Screwed up a little. I live in South Texas, it never gets very cold in the Winter. I almost always use Galco OWB holsters. We have open carry, don't think it's a good idea. The S&W's are hard to beat, they're relatively cheap and I have never had a malfunction with any of them.
Deer for me, dad groomed me to be an archery deer hunter starting about the time I started walking.
I was rifle hunting in the Missouri woods with my dad when I was 10. He let me use an old '94 he had. On my 12th birthday he bought me an NRA Centennial 1894. I used the 30-30 until I was about 17 and bought myself a Remington 700 in 30-06. I was introduced to bow hunting by my buddy John when I was in my early 20s. A few years later it became apparent that raising and owning bird dogs was pointless here since there was no longer any quail in huntable numbers. At that point I got my dad into bow hunting and that's how we started spending September 15 through January.

I've had this one for several years, I've just started to carry it.
It's from NY, it required a break in period. If ammo were cheap, I'd been carrying it a long time ago.
My EDCs, I haven't added the Stingray yet, not enough trigger time as of late.
First is the Smith and Wesson M&P M2.0 compact. Apex flat face trigger, and Ameriglo night sights accent the basis gun, I also added the thumb safety.

Fobus made the holster, no idea who made the magazine pouch, S&W sear spring assisted knife, Bushnell LED flashlight, and a cross my Mom gave me while I on active duty.

Second, SIG P229 Elite.

Came stock with the short reset trigger, I've not changed a thing on it.
I usually load it with P226 magazines for the two extra rounds, but with the flush 18s out now, that'll give me five plus one over the regular standard 13 round stock magazines. Holster is a Blackhawk paddle, everything else is the same as with the M2.0.

Usually carry a minimum of one spare magazine, but have been carrying two lately.
Wish I could remember what company made this holster. Ordered it for S&W M&P 2.0 9mm 4" barrel. The Echelon fits perfectly in it. Hopefully you will be able to identify the maker from the photo. Sorry, I'm old fart, I forget things. There are no markings on the holster.


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Wish I could remember what company made this holster. Ordered it for S&W M&P 2.0 9mm 4" barrel. The Echelon fits perfectly in it. Hopefully you will be able to identify the maker from the photo. Sorry, I'm old fart, I forget things. There are no markings on the holster.
I wish I could help you. I have purchased a king's ransom worth of holsters, mostly Kydex. The pattern on that one is not familiar though. Most of mine have a logo of some sort on the clip, so I know where I got it (but I have a devil of a time matching them to their assigned firearm :cautious:).