
Show off your Every Day Carry!

The knife and light stay same, pistol varies to situation or clothing.


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I only carry Springfield ! and have several! But my EDC of choice is the Springfield XDM 9 MM 4.5 " along with four 19 round spare mags. In 2 mags I have the Hornady Critical Duty +P 135 Grain , in the other two, a have ball ammo. I strongly believe in overwhelming firepower and with the XDM and 5 mags counting the one in the pistol I have that. I carry it in a crossbreed super tuck Holster and have no problems with comfort or carry for extended periods of time and it doesn't print so it stays concealed.


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I only carry Springfield ! and have several! But my EDC of choice is the Springfield XDM 9 MM 4.5 " along with four 19 round spare mags. In 2 mags I have the Hornady Critical Duty +P 135 Grain , in the other two, a have ball ammo. I strongly believe in overwhelming firepower and with the XDM and 5 mags counting the one in the pistol I have that. I carry it in a crossbreed super tuck Holster and have no problems with comfort or carry for extended periods of time and it doesn't print so it stays concealed.View attachment 3350
Nice. Like your avatar. All American Division?
XDM 3.8 Compact 9
Tactipac Max holster (more trouble than they’re worth)
Streamlight Protac 2L
CRKT M16 blade
19 rd spare
Raven Pocket Shield (I ❤️ that thing)
Allergy bracelet and meds for said allergy


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XDM 3.8 Compact 9
Tactipac Max holster (more trouble than they’re worth)
Streamlight Protac 2L
CRKT M16 blade
19 rd spare
Raven Pocket Shield (I ❤ that thing)
Allergy bracelet and meds for said allergy
I've always liked Columbia River knives. I carried a CRKT Mirage serrated knife for about 20 years.
I only carry Springfield ! and have several! But my EDC of choice is the Springfield XDM 9 MM 4.5 " along with four 19 round spare mags. In 2 mags I have the Hornady Critical Duty +P 135 Grain , in the other two, a have ball ammo. I strongly believe in overwhelming firepower and with the XDM and 5 mags counting the one in the pistol I have that. I carry it in a crossbreed super tuck Holster and have no problems with comfort or carry for extended periods of time and it doesn't print so it stays concealed.View attachment 3350
That's a super nice set up.