
Show off your Every Day Carry!

how many reloads do you carry for your wheel guns? speed loaders I assume?
I have a S&W 638 Bodyguard. I carry 2 speedloaders(5 rounds each) in a speedloader holster that I wear on my belt sometimes.

Every revolver is slightly different when it comes to the technique of using a speedloader but with practice you can get used to it. But there's a lot more coordination involved.

Semi-autos are much easier to reload. The knock on semi-autos in the old days was reliability and that's not the case anymore. You should practice clearing malfunctions with semi-autos and revolvers, just in case.

Under stress even little things like reloading a magazine or manipulating a slide can be difficult. Having to use a speedloader increases the potential for making mistakes(dropping ammo, etc.).

When you're a lefty like me using speedloader is a little more challenging. Speedloaders were designed for right handed people(the speedloader goes in from the left side).

For a single action only revolvers, I've found that Bianchi speed strip works best. Single action only revolvers are more lefty friendly(loading is from the right side). I really like how Ruger Vaqueros are set up for loading and unloading. The newer model Vaqueros fit my hand better than the older model ones...:)

I've made a couple of changes to my EDC lately. I have a Concealment Express kydex IWB for my XD9 4" firearm. On that holster I've replaced the FOMI clip with a DCC clip. And for pure comfort I have added the Tier1 Concealed wedges. You see a 1.5" large wedge on the main body of the holster and a 1" large wedge trimmed to fit on the corner.



I have a four pack of the 1.5" wedges because over time (a year or so?) they will compress and become less comfortable. But for now I have all day comfort. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

I very seldom go to town anymore, yesterday was the 1st time in about 6 weeks so this probably doesn't count for my "EDC" but I thought I would ad my 2 cents. This was yesterday's, "Winter coat time of year, Boy Scout 'Be prepared' better leave this old man alone" gear. You'd think I go to dangerous places but now days the more people, the greater opportunity for trouble and trouble doesn't make appointments.

Now days IMO everyplace is dangerous for old folks so I try to make sure I can get back home to take care of my wife as that is my most important job. More than once I had to pick her up and put her into car and get to hospital and more than once I thought I would lose her. Never assume that you are in a crime free area and that means be alert because old folks are considered soft targets so don't be wondering along checking that phone or not locking your car or leaving it running while you run into the store to grab snack because it can happen. It's not being afraid it's being smart and not giving someone a chance to take what you worked for. I did at one time teach classes about being aware and marking spots in your outdoor surroundings so it would give you a closer idea of height for night prowlers etc. The old one time saying I live in a real nice area, well BG don't go to run down houses to steal from so there you have it and maybe its a grain of salt but the saying Protect and Serve does not mean that police can stop what could happen, you are your own first responder and I have filled that roll many times and a lot of them I was not in uniform.
I may not be hanging around much longer as my duties are increasing and I will check in when I can and make some points that folks can grin and make the eye rolls but a old mans stories are a young mans prime and I wish all of you safety which is something I still work on.

I've made a couple of changes to my EDC lately. I have a Concealment Express kydex IWB for my XD9 4" firearm. On that holster I've replaced the FOMI clip with a DCC clip. And for pure comfort I have added the Tier1 Concealed wedges. You see a 1.5" large wedge on the main body of the holster and a 1" large wedge trimmed to fit on the corner.



I have a four pack of the 1.5" wedges because over time (a year or so?) they will compress and become less comfortable. But for now I have all day comfort. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Just ordered some of those DCC Clips. Thanks!
I like the holster as well. It doesn't look like they are made for a red dot though. Looking at the website also it doesn't appear that they do.
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Just ordered some of those DCC Clips. Thanks!
I like the holster as well. It doesn't look like they are made for a red dot though. Looking at the website also it doesn't appear that they do.

I put DCC clips on all my kydex holsters. They work great, snug, holster stays on the belt, and they won't break like FOMI.

I like this holster too. It's my second one. They do make optics compatible holsters, not sure if they have one for you. Let's see if this link displays their optics ready models...

Thank you for your indulgence,
