Okay.... I never should have mentioned my dislike for Sig firearms. They're on to me.
Like I said, I recieved my first replacement dot and it was wrong. So I sent it back so they could send me the correct Sig Romero Zero Elite. The one with the circle dot reticle.
Apparently there are two versions of the Sig Romero Zero Elite. One is just a dot. One has two optional reticles; a circle + dot or just a dot. Like Holosun's 407k vs. 507k. Sig's exception to this is not noting or marking them as different models. Not that they need to. Still I specifically told the guy through over email that I wanted the circle - dot and actually didn't know there were two versions. I just thought that the pretty pictures showed the same optic presenting both reticles. Anyway, guess which one they sent me.
When you get a Sig Romero Zero Elite the instructions are generic to either model. My high-speed, low drag 4013TSW was already waiting for it's replacement Sig sight.
I made sure everything was sitting well. That it came on with the battery installed and then torqued it down. This was followed by ten minutes of a monkey and a football, with some colorful language that would make a sailor blush as I tried to change reticles. It didn't work out so well for me.
So sending in a anything to Sig as a way to communicatethrough their chat bot or email that isn't 320 related just ends up in a blackhole. Sitting on hold for 25 minutes is actually the way to go.
After doing that I had to explain what was going on. I also had to forward them the entire email chain since I answered "No" to, "No, I don't want the non-circle dot model. I do want the one I requested." That or I want my money back and they can have all of their sights back.
They're response was to tell me to keep everything. I don't have to send back the wrong one, but they are also sending me the correct one.
I don't know how to take all of this in. It seems like they are in fact holding to their warranty and upgrade purchase, but the delays and incompetence has been impressive. They should work for the government.
So, is this Sig SOP?