
SigP320 Safety Problems Continue – Resulting In Bans from Police Training Ranges!

Until I actually witness this occurrence, I still say it’s back to training and holster selection and internet gossip, my 320 hasn’t gone off by itself….. just sayin
Fair enough, but I have seen the P320 fire uncommanded, IN THE HOLSTER, UNTOUCHED. That's why I am compelled to share this information. This isn't 2 or 3 police departments, it's dozens. AND THE MILITARY, too. What P320 owners don't know is that there is a backstory to the design of the P320, and that design was a 're-write'. It started as a completely different model that was redesigned to meet new requirements. When done right, this is not a problem for a mechanical engineer. But the redesign was half-assed in the most critical area: the striker and the sear. Sig will deny this until they're dragged into court on a class action lawsuit and the full truth gets presented in spite of the company's world-class legal sharks' maneuvers!

That being said, I am really won over on the chassis concept and believe this is the future of handguns. What's happening now is a damn shame; I really WANTED to get a P320 until my homework said otherwise. I never buy a new model right out of the gate... I wait for the honest unbiased reviews, keep an eye on the retail pricing etc. until I feel the time to strike is just right. But since I can't trust the P320, I'll go with the Echelon. After that, I'll likely go back and get a P229, which is what my department switched to when I worked for Indiana Univ. PD.
From what I gather from a friend living there, Washington state officials are ready to ban anything that fires at all. I think they stumbled over a five-year-old P320 meme somewhere on the internet and felt they had an excuse to nab one gun.
From the article, it wasn't a WA State Democrat politician that banned it, it was the head of the state law enforcement training commission, an actual cop and not a pasty-faced cubicle-dwelling bureaucrat. On the other hand, it's a woman and like the military, I'm old school and don't see women in LE being an asset on the streets. Too many simply aren't physically up to the task.
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Fair enough, but I have seen the P320 fire uncommanded, IN THE HOLSTER, UNTOUCHED. That's why I am compelled to share this information. This isn't 2 or 3 police departments, it's dozens. AND THE MILITARY, too. What P320 owners don't know is that there is a backstory to the design of the P320, and that design was a 're-write'. It started as a completely different model that was redesigned to meet new requirements. When done right, this is not a problem for a mechanical engineer. But the redesign was half-assed in the most critical area: the striker and the sear. Sig will deny this until they're dragged into court on a class action lawsuit and the full truth gets presented in spite of the company's world-class legal sharks' maneuvers!

That being said, I am really won over on the chassis concept and believe this is the future of handguns. What's happening now is a damn shame; I really WANTED to get a P320 until my homework said otherwise. I never buy a new model right out of the gate... I wait for the honest unbiased reviews, keep an eye on the retail pricing etc. until I feel the time to strike is just right. But since I can't trust the P320, I'll go with the Echelon. After that, I'll likely go back and get a P229, which is what my department switched to when I worked for Indiana Univ. PD.
Asking for real, not to stir trouble. Serious question:
Were they in holsters meant for the Sig P320?

I’m asking because I’ve read of cases where it’s happened, but it turned out it was a P320 in a holster meant for a Glock or something else. A few times nothing was said about what gun the holster was for, and I’ve poked around trying to find out but never got a straight answer.

So if it truly was a case of a Sig P320 firing while in a holster for an Sig P320, I would be interested in hearing the details.
well like a few others here, i too own a P320, and never an issue..

but it is my range toy, not a carry

so no matter what, i too feel its holstering it that may be the cause, or taking it out of the holster that is an issue.

i posted a video a long time ago, on what a gunsmith expert claimed was the issue years ago, and Sig fixed it, on those older models and most certainly the correction was made for all new productions ones after that....

here it is again, and this video is 10 minutes long.

Asking for real, not to stir trouble. Serious question:
Were they in holsters meant for the Sig P320?

I’m asking because I’ve read of cases where it’s happened, but it turned out it was a P320 in a holster meant for a Glock or something else. A few times nothing was said about what gun the holster was for, and I’ve poked around trying to find out but never got a straight answer.

So if it truly was a case of a Sig P320 firing while in a holster for an Sig P320, I would be interested in hearing the details.
IFAIK, yes these happened in the right holsters. I'm just going off my memory here.
Fair enough, but I have seen the P320 fire uncommanded, IN THE HOLSTER, UNTOUCHED. That's why I am compelled to share this information. This isn't 2 or 3 police departments, it's dozens. AND THE MILITARY, too. What P320 owners don't know is that there is a backstory to the design of the P320, and that design was a 're-write'. It started as a completely different model that was redesigned to meet new requirements. When done right, this is not a problem for a mechanical engineer. But the redesign was half-assed in the most critical area: the striker and the sear. Sig will deny this until they're dragged into court on a class action lawsuit and the full truth gets presented in spite of the company's world-class legal sharks' maneuvers!

That being said, I am really won over on the chassis concept and believe this is the future of handguns. What's happening now is a damn shame; I really WANTED to get a P320 until my homework said otherwise. I never buy a new model right out of the gate... I wait for the honest unbiased reviews, keep an eye on the retail pricing etc. until I feel the time to strike is just right. But since I can't trust the P320, I'll go with the Echelon. After that, I'll likely go back and get a P229, which is what my department switched to when I worked for Indiana Univ. PD.
Any information on this should be posted, but till I see it happen personally, I am skeptical
Asking for real, not to stir trouble. Serious question:
Were they in holsters meant for the Sig P320?

I’m asking because I’ve read of cases where it’s happened, but it turned out it was a P320 in a holster meant for a Glock or something else. A few times nothing was said about what gun the holster was for, and I’ve poked around trying to find out but never got a straight answer.

So if it truly was a case of an Sig P320 firing while in a holster for an Sig P320, I would be interested in hearing the details.
Sig at one time put out a safety bulletin about what holsters may cause an issue, here is link

I’m going to wait until the smoke clears and there’s some concrete independent research with testing and evaluation done before I pass judgment on Sig. I bet some boneheads who blew off the recall from Sig might have had a OH SH#T moment.
None of my Army buddies who are still in and went through NET (New Equipment Training) for the M17 have said anything about it to me.
Sorry this was too funny not to share!!!!


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