
Site Question & Answer Thread?

Well, I deselected email on all -- just got an email that jumpinjoe posted a new one in "welcome Message" -- don't mind deleting emails but curious to know why. And don't want to un-watch that thread -- I watch others, why don't I get email on them?
it's been hit and miss on how i receive or not on threads i've posted or posted in. usually a "push" notification on/for/with emails on such thing. on several forums where i've posted many times within the same thread it doesn't always give notifications on their site (not emails). it should be under "preferences" in your account. use the tabs down the side if needed and make sure it's saved before changing tabs as that's what failed me on occasions.
Why is the search engine horrible?

I get this constantly..
Can't seem to find a place to ask and receive questions about this site. Question is, I do not have "email" checked on my preference page but receive emails -- why and what have I failed to do?

Lastly, if there is not a Q&A thread is one needed for such as my question?

@Tinyman In the top right of a watched thread, click the "Unwatch" button. Then click "Watch" again - it will give you options for whether or not you want to receive email notifications.
@Tinyman In the top right of a watched thread, click the "Unwatch" button. Then click "Watch" again - it will give you options for whether or not you want to receive email notifications.
It seemed I was only getting email with the Welcome thread -- now I can't fine it to try your recommendation -- I'll keep looking.