
Slide Locking


Newbie here. Just picked up an XDm Elite 4.5 last week. Had to have the clips plugged because of New Jersey fascism so I just got those today. No ammo yet. Question? When I put an empty clip in and try to rack the slide it locks into the open position every time. Is this because the clip is empty or should the slide go forward.
I had it done at a gun store. Not exactly sure how. I imagine they put in a spacer and new spring that cuts the clip in half. 10 rounds is the limit in Jersey.
Interesting. We are not allowed plugs for pistol mags in MA. We have to have actual 10 round mags, unless you have a gun (with original mags) manufactured prior to Sept. 13th 1994.

Welcome to the forum!
Newbie here. Just picked up an XDm Elite 4.5 last week. Had to have the clips plugged because of New Jersey fascism so I just got those today. No ammo yet. Question? When I put an empty clip in and try to rack the slide it locks into the open position every time. Is this because the clip is empty or should the slide go forward.
Welcome to the herd ! To enlighted based on what Keystone brought up. Here is the difference of the magazine and a clip.

you’ll find a ton of knowledgeable folks here, so ask away.

Newbie here. Just picked up an XDm Elite 4.5 last week. Had to have the clips plugged because of New Jersey fascism so I just got those today. No ammo yet. Question? When I put an empty clip in and try to rack the slide it locks into the open position every time. Is this because the clip is empty or should the slide go forward.
Welcome to the forum. Good luck with your new gun. We are all here to help. Just keep a open mind.
Newbie here. Just picked up an XDm Elite 4.5 last week. Had to have the clips plugged because of New Jersey fascism so I just got those today. No ammo yet. Question? When I put an empty clip in and try to rack the slide it locks into the open position every time. Is this because the clip is empty or should the slide go forward.
I recommend you find a range with good range instruction. Take a “basic handgun” class. Lots of good Handgun info and range time almost always in these classes. Took mine 30 years ago when I bought my first pistol and there are Range days when I just stop and pause to reflect on what I was taught and to go back to the teachings when the Range day goes amiss.
Newbie here. Just picked up an XDm Elite 4.5 last week. Had to have the clips plugged because of New Jersey fascism so I just got those today. No ammo yet. Question? When I put an empty clip in and try to rack the slide it locks into the open position every time. Is this because the clip is empty or should the slide go forward.

Pretty much all SA weapons do that. When your magazine is empty and the slide is locked back, drop the mag, stick a fresh one in and hit the slide release. Your weapon is now ready to fire.

Just to clarify by SA I mean semi-automatic not Springfield Armory.
Interesting. We are not allowed plugs for pistol mags in MA. We have to have actual 10 round mags, unless you have a gun (with original mags) manufactured prior to Sept. 13th 1994.

Welcome to the forum!
You can also go through the silly process in MA of having your mag permanently pinned to not allow more then 10 rounds of justice....👎
And that’s what this forum is all about. Learning and growing and becoming more proficient. No one here will steer you wrong and we respect each other’s opinions. Ask and you shall learn. And heck @Annihilator will probably learn a lot from you since he’s still trying to figure out why the chicken crossed the road. 🤠😎😂😂😂😂😂😂
That deserves more of these.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.......I'm still cracking up.....🤣👍