


Founding Member
A slingshot can be very helpful in many bowhunting situations such as diverting a deer’s attention; rousting a deer from heavy brush; hunting small game; strengthening your arms; and improving your aim. Shooting a slingshot improves your hand/eye coordination as well, and can be practiced almost anywhere. Plus, it’s really fun! Formal targets are great and easy to build, but informal targets–cans, leaves, anthills, etc. are found everywhere. Just like bows, you’ll probably want more than one slingshot!

Sling shots are a great way to get feral cats to decide to live and mark territory elsewhere. Where I live , several older ladies were feeding the feral cats and of course they were staying around. It got so bad that I couldn't go outside to drink my coffee of a morning. The stench was awful. On any given morning I would see 4 - 10 cats within 30 feet of my patio.

I talked to maintenance and he said he tried to live trap them but someone kept releasing them. I first thought of using a low powered BB gun but didn't want the little old ladies raising a squawk , plus shooting a BB gun is not allowed in our town.

Soooo I bought a sling shot. It took a while but there aren't any feral cats around my part of the building and no more stench either.
I had several. Very nice sling shots.

@papa What did you use in the slingshot to chase the cats off. Small rocks ?
I have a problem with feral/stray cats stalking my bird feeders. I chase them off daily. I don't want to kill them.
3/8 steel shot. Most shots were 20 - 30 feet or farther sometimes. I shot for the butt and it didn't do any sever damage. Just put go in their butt. I didn't always hit them but it was close enough they got the idea.

I wasn't using a wrist rocket. Just the old , cheap , single tube type band on each side so there was no super speed velocity. They can be persistent when they are used to free food.
3/8 steel shot. Most shots were 20 - 30 feet or farther sometimes. I shot for the butt and it didn't do any sever damage. Just put go in their butt. I didn't always hit them but it was close enough they got the idea.

I wasn't using a wrist rocket. Just the old , cheap , single tube type band on each side so there was no super speed velocity. They can be persistent when they are used to free food.
I was thinking about an airsoft gun. I'm not trying to hurt them. Their lives are already crappy enough without me making it worse. Maybe a cheap $9 slingshot off Amazon. Though now I want another wrist rocket. Have you seen the new ones ? They have evolved since I was 15. :)