
Smith & Wesson Model 29: The Dirty Harry Gun

It’s funny you clip this article I just got the 5 set dvd love all of them but magnum force and I have history I worked at the cost plus imports where they shot the robbery scene I was actually working that day we all got to met me it wax pretty cool I was 16 he is definitely my hero thanks for the article this is my model 27 close enough for me
I have a 6" Model 29-8 that was left to me when a dear friend passed away. Honestly, I never cared much for the .44 magnum. Too much buck and roar for me. :rolleyes: For a big bore, I much prefer the .44 Special and .45 Colt.
But I will admit, there's just something about the .44 Magnum that just seems to call to you. Every now and then I'll take mine to the range and run a few rounds through it in honor of my friend. ;)