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The VPs are my favorite strikers too. For sure.
So interesting side note on that. My Archon Type B is my favorite striker, but the VP9 runs close. Today I took my Daniel H9 to the range along with my Archon because they are almost identical in size and bore axis height. I also took my 229 Legion which has a comparatively high bore axis and my standard VP9. Everything had a red dot except the H9 whose iron sights I have been having trouble getting to grips with. These were the results of the first ten rounds on 4 in targets at 10 yds. Clockwise from the top - H9, 229 Legion, VP9, Archon.

The shot below was after 150rds. 75 through the H9 and 25 each through the other 3. The H9 came to me after a while as I moved the target between 7, 10 and 15 yds, but I had to work at it - both of the top targets are the H9. I have a plate for an optic on the way and hopefully things will become more natural. What’s interesting is how the VP9 was the tidiest shooter including rapid fire. I put that down to the ergos, I run med side grips and small back, and the trigger job I did on it. Nothing fits my hand more naturally.

So interesting side note on that. My Archon Type B is my favorite striker, but the VP9 runs close. Today I took my Daniel H9 to the range along with my Archon because they are almost identical in size and bore axis height. I also took my 229 Legion which has a comparatively high bore axis and my standard VP9. Everything had a red dot except the H9 whose iron sights I have been having trouble getting to grips with. These were the results of the first ten rounds on 4 in targets at 10 yds. Clockwise from the top - H9, 229 Legion, VP9, Archon.
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The shot below was after 150rds. 75 through the H9 and 25 each through the other 3. The H9 came to me after a while as I moved the target between 7, 10 and 15 yds, but I had to work at it - both of the top targets are the H9. I have a plate for an optic on the way and hopefully things will become more natural. What’s interesting is how the VP9 was the tidiest shooter including rapid fire. I put that down to the ergos, I run med side grips and small back, and the trigger job I did on it. Nothing fits my hand more naturally.

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I run the same grip arrangement on both the VPs and the P30L.