
(Some of) Today's Youth

It's one of those things though. I mean it sounds good and personally I wish in retrospect I wouldn't have gotten cold feet and had actually joined the Marine Corps when my buddy did, but in order to implement the kinda thing you're talking about we would have to throw out the constitution. So that's a pass for me.
I respect your opinion most definitely, but don't really understand why we would have throw out the constitution?
I believe the military is not for everyone.Some countries its mandatory. At this point it wouldn't work here.It worked for me,but I went in the Marines on the buddy plan with the toughest guy in our town.He lasted 2 weeks in boot camp. He got a general discharge.He just refused to do anything.Can you imagine mandatory military service in today environment. Pandoras box has been opened in this country. Do you really think we will ever get it closed.Im beginning to think not.
Al lot if you may not agree with this but I definitely feel that military service should be mandatory in our country like is is in some other countries. Two years minimum service. I'll tell you what. The military definitely will weed out the non hackers that don't shape up and will definitely be shipped out. Those who do make it through BT will be issued a rifle and trained proficiently with it on safety and marksmanship! When you're service is up. You take your rifle home with you to help defend your country against invasion if need be and also protect our rights as american citizens if need be. The non hackers meaning, usually the people that become criminals and end up in prison. Are now on the no firearm list because they are obviously not responsible enough to possess one. The result of Mandatory Military Service in my opinion? Respect and discipline is taught at a higher level, more armed responsible citizens in this country, and less armed criminals = less crime! Let's not forget the bonus! One more rifle in the safe for all of us!😂
I agree and disagree. I'm retired military and I agree that our youth need discipline and that the military is the best at whipping kids into shape.
But I don't agree with conscription. IMHO the reason we have one of the best militaries in the world is due to the voluntary military service component. The soldiers are there because they want to be. Look at the issues that the Russian Army is having in Ukraine. One of the stated excuses for their poor performance is the conscripted soldiers. They don't want to be there. They just want to do their 2 years and get out. Then your also going to open up that morass of draft dodging and richer Americans finding ways to exempt their kids and such. Don't know that I want to go back through that period again and trust our nations defense in a very, very troubled world on a military of conscripted soldiers.
I believe the military is not for everyone.Some countries its mandatory. At this point it wouldn't work here.It worked for me,but I went in the Marines on the buddy plan with the toughest guy in our town.He lasted 2 weeks in boot camp. He got a general discharge.He just refused to do anything.Can you imagine mandatory military service in today environment. Pandoras box has been opened in this country. Do you really think we will ever get it closed.Im beginning to think not.
That was my plan, to go in with my buddy on the buddy plan. I backed out at the last minute. They hosed him too. They promised him EOD and then used some miserable excuse to take it away from him. He did 12 years and a tour in Iraq ( The first one). Closest thing he got to EOD was shooting unexploded buried ordnance with high powered rifles off the tops of sand dunes before they left. He got out as a Corporal. He currently is a federal security guard on The Arch grounds.
That was my plan, to go in with my buddy on the buddy plan. I backed out at the last minute. They hosed him too. They promised him EOD and then used some miserable excuse to take it away from him. He did 12 years and a tour in Iraq ( The first one). Closest thing he got to EOD was shooting unexploded buried ordnance with high powered rifles off the tops of sand dunes before they left. He got out as a Corporal. He currently is a federal security guard on The Arch grounds.
Wow, how times have changed. When I was in, they paid bonuses to people to go into and to stay in EOD.
I believe the military is not for everyone.Some countries its mandatory. At this point it wouldn't work here.It worked for me,but I went in the Marines on the buddy plan with the toughest guy in our town.He lasted 2 weeks in boot camp. He got a general discharge.He just refused to do anything.Can you imagine mandatory military service in today environment. Pandoras box has been opened in this country. Do you really think we will ever get it closed.Im beginning to think not.
Another very good point indeed! Wishful thinking I guess
That was my plan, to go in with my buddy on the buddy plan. I backed out at the last minute. They hosed him too. They promised him EOD and then used some miserable excuse to take it away from him. He did 12 years and a tour in Iraq ( The first one). Closest thing he got to EOD was shooting unexploded buried ordnance with high powered rifles off the tops of sand dunes before they left. He got out as a Corporal. He currently is a federal security guard on The Arch grounds.
I was not aware at the time I enlisted.That unless you went for the aviation guarantee.You did not get to choose your mos.Maybe its changed now.(this is the marines Im talking about).I just wanted to be a grunt.Wound up as a 2533 radio operator.I hated it.Wound up in HQ2-11 an artillary outfit in support of 5th marines.We had to provide our own security in country.Which we were not ready for.Ended up at Pendleton Military Police,good duty. Sorry didn't mean to tell war stories. Sure you've herd them all :)
I'm not trying to make this political at all, but it's my understanding that Boston is as very libral city. Have they defunded thier police departments and is it considered child abuse in that town for spanking a child when nessasary to teach a lesson and get the point across? I was raised on the fact that Disobedience, rude behavior, and making unnecessary trouble. Brings instant retribution. Seemed to work on me. The most trouble I've been in with the law was a parking ticket in Seattle! Any of you ever been to Seattle and tried to drive around? Let alone find a dam place to park!?!?! That place is a frick'n zoo!!! I'm Just saying.
Yes it is a liberal city. I haven't heard anything about de-funding the police, but spanking? Oh man, are you in trouble.
I was in '79-'99 and don't ever remember that as ever being a "choice" assignment. It may have been different in the different branches. I retired from USAF....
In the Navy you got sent straight to the Fleet after Basic unless you wanted to try out for Honor Guard! That definitely wasn't me I didn't want to stand at attention for hours at National Ceremonies all the time, or have to salute a president all the time who's policies I didn't agree with. Don't get me wrong I would never disrespect our commander and chief While waring the uniform or not. I just wanted to get to the Fleet and get some salt back in me veins! Once in the fleet for a few months. Every sailor still wet from Boot got the opportunity to "try out" for the "try outs" for The Navy's special Forces. Witch was EOD, SWICK, or SEAL none of witch were by any means choice duty! You physically and mentally had to want to earn that s**t and prove you wanted to be there! Try outs for try outs was a one day physical test. The final try out called BUDs took several weeks! 10% pass!
Well, you gotta go to school for it. They told him he would get to go and then told him he couldn't.
Hear alot of that. Recruiter promising and then its vapor. I originally was going to go in the Navy right out of HS. I wanted to go into the Seabees and be an underwater welder. They promised it until came time to sign the contract and then it was "oh, you have to go in under an open billet, then after they choose your job, you become proficient and then you can "apply" for the Seabees. It was like Yeah, OK, stick your contract. Did other things for a couple of years including 1/2 owner in a restaurant but couldn't shake the military bug and my personal need to serve. Sold everything and joined the AF and everything I wanted was written on the contract before I signed it.
Well, you gotta go to school for it. They told him he would get to go and then told him he couldn't.
Roger. BUDs is the school or " final try outs" but you had to be in for about six months before they would even let you try out for BUDs. If you passed BUDs? That's when school really begins, but at least the physical hell is over and your in!
I was not aware at the time I enlisted.That unless you went for the aviation guarantee.You did not get to choose your mos.Maybe its changed now.(this is the marines Im talking about).I just wanted to be a grunt.Wound up as a 2533 radio operator.I hated it.Wound up in HQ2-11 an artillary outfit in support of 5th marines.We had to provide our own security in country.Which we were not ready for.Ended up at Pendleton Military Police,good duty. Sorry didn't mean to tell war stories. Sure you've herd them all :)

I never tire of hearing them. Most of my friends are military and ex military and I get to hear a lot of things. Most of which makes me even more sad that I didn't join when I was going to. I used to know a few old VietNam vets. One was a Green Beret. I heard some hair raising stories. One of my best friends has a brother who was USMC Raider Recon doing seek and destroy missions in Cambodia and Laos. He still won't talk about it. In fact my buddy finally got him to go to the VA to try to get some help and Max wouldn't admit to ever being in country even though the guy was looking at his service record. Needless to say the guy couldn't help him and last I hear Max was living with his dirtbag nephew in some :poop: hole not too far from here.

One day many years ago I was bow hunting on their farm in southern Missouri. I was up in a tree and I see these two guys come bopping down the road. I was about to get down from my stand and ask them what they were doing when I saw Max pop up in front of them. Max asked them what they were doing. They said they had permission to hunt from the owner. Max pulled out his .357 Blackhawk, pointed it at the guy's head and started counting backwards from 10. They left in a hurry. I believe he would have shot them. He was very paranoid about strangers on the property. Always checking fences, staying out in the woods all night.