Al lot if you may not agree with this but I definitely feel that military service should be mandatory in our country like is is in some other countries. Two years minimum service. I'll tell you what. The military definitely will weed out the non hackers that don't shape up and will definitely be shipped out. Those who do make it through BT will be issued a rifle and trained proficiently with it on safety and marksmanship! When you're service is up. You take your rifle home with you to help defend your country against invasion if need be and also protect our rights as american citizens if need be. The non hackers meaning, usually the people that become criminals and end up in prison. Are now on the no firearm list because they are obviously not responsible enough to possess one. The result of Mandatory Military Service in my opinion? Respect and discipline is taught at a higher level, more armed responsible citizens in this country, and less armed criminals = less crime! Let's not forget the bonus! One more rifle in the safe for all of us!