
Springfield XDM 10mm 4.5”

I've read some articles that indicated the hot loads that Buffalo Bore, Double Tap, Underwood (I'm sure other manufactures as well), sells can get up to the 41 magnum level (other articels have mentioned 357 magnum level). I've also read that some re-loaders can approach 44 magnum levels. Others on here may have more info on this (or dispute it), having more knowledge than I, but that's what I've read. I was told by an apprentice Gun Smith, who loved the 10mm, that most common ammo on the market were just a bit hotter than 40 caliber rounds. He suggested the ammo manufacturers above to experience the true potential of the 10mm. I share on one thread that the Danish Greenland Patrol's, even carry 10MM pistols as their backup (they also carry rifles), if they encounter hostile Polar Bears.
Wow. Good info. On some Youtube videos I've watched, the 10mm is pretty popular with Alaskans for rogue bear attacks. I guess the 10mm must hit pretty hard if it'll ward off a bear, I've heard they are hard to stop once they start charging.
Wow. Good info. On some Youtube videos I've watched, the 10mm is pretty popular with Alaskans for rogue bear attacks. I guess the 10mm must hit pretty hard if it'll ward off a bear, I've heard they are hard to stop once they start charging.
Yeah, I heard that as well. But if it was me, I'd prefer at minimum a 454 Casull, 45-70 guide lever action rifle or shotgun loaded with slugs, for any large brown or grizzly bears.
Yeah, I heard that as well. But if it was me, I'd prefer at minimum a 454 Casull, 45-70 guide lever action rifle or shotgun loaded with slugs, for any large brown or grizzly bears.
Man I don’t know what I’d do if I was charged by a grizzly bear. I’d love to say I’d just calmly pull my sidearm or rifle like Clint Eastwood or something but that would definitely be a test of sink or swim in a stressful environment.
Man I don’t know what I’d do if I was charged by a grizzly bear. I’d love to say I’d just calmly pull my sidearm or rifle like Clint Eastwood or something but that would definitely be a test of sink or swim in a stressful environment.
You're not alone on that account, I'm sure. (count me as one that wouldn't want to have to face one either).
Like you, I'm also a fan of the 10mm, as are others on this site. I bought the SA XDM 10mm, but the 5.25" model. I own all the Glocks in 10mm (G20, G29 & G40 MOS w/Trijicon RMR), and the 10mm's: Ruger SR1911, Colt Delta Elite, and SA TRP 6". I shot the G40, and recoil wasn't much worse than shooting 40 cal. The Buffalo Bore hotter loads were a bit more recoil, but the G40 6" kept it to acceptable levels.

What happened to 10mmLife after reading all this about 10mm’s.....
Man I don’t know what I’d do if I was charged by a grizzly bear. I’d love to say I’d just calmly pull my sidearm or rifle like Clint Eastwood or something but that would definitely be a test of sink or swim in a stressful environment.
Hardcast would be a good choice, but I don't know how they would operate in a 10mm. Or a good fmj to keep the penetration deep without the shallow expansion.
I recovered two bullets. Not much deformation. I dont have a scale with which to check the weight.
I weighed them when I got home. The 200 gr bullet became a ~199 bullet.

I have to say, after putting about 150 rounds through that pistol, it's a keeper. I had some handloads that shot low, but were in a tight group at 10 yards. Using Sig ammo and taking aimed shots I had 11 holes touching each other at 12 o'clock on the bullseye. They four that weren't were the four I fired in two quick acquisition double-taps. Even they were in the 8 and 9 ring.


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