
Stuck receiver bolt

I will stick up for the Hi Point, to a degree. Having owned one, my wife insisted on one for her first personal long arm, I can say that it was a shooter. It ate everything we put in it, was accurate as she was with it, and ran when it was filthy. She had the forgrip and a laser and light setup on the rails. The hand to fist reload was very intuitive and worked well for her being her first semi auto firearm.

Perhaps one of its biggest fault was what doomed it eventually, it was HEAVY. Eventually she gave it to my nephew who with 7 kids, gladly added it to his home defence along with a Makarov I gave him.

First choice for me, nope, likely not in the running at all, but... if I had 7 kids and a wife who works from home grading school work on the side, well I would take one and feel lucky I had something reliable.

I do know he shoots it, at least to a degree, he burned thru the 1k rounds I gave with it and asks for more for birthdays and Christmas'

Opps forgot the new baby, 8 kids, 3 his, 4 hers, 1 thiers... lord knows why they needed one more but there it is.
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I just purchased a high point 45 caliber carbine. I pull the bolt back and it locked. I cannot get it to release. I do not have the clip in it. It was stated to pull the bolt back and let it loose like all of this type. The bolt is locked and will not pull further than it is. Recommendations please.
1. Welcome to the forum.
2. Throw that High Point in the trash.
3. Sorry.......Not sorry
4. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't.
Got an idea , those with the flippant advice to toss it in the junk how about providing the man with a COMPARABLY priced NEW with full warrantee.45 acp carbine alternative. Not every one is in the same position economically and desires to wait to save up that extra 500, or even he'll 100 bucks . Some people 100 to save takes a while.
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Got an idea , those with the flippant advice to toss it in the junk how about providing the man with a COMPARABLY priced NEW with full warrantee.45 acp carbine alternative. Not every one is in the same position economically and desires to wait to save up that extra 500, or even he'll 100 bucks . Some people 100 to save takes a while.
First, it was a joke.
Second, I’m not sorry. It was a joke.
Third, he already got advice from the only guy here who knows anything about Hi Points.
Fourth, he signed up to a SA forum to ask for advice about a Hi Point ?
Fifth, joke or not I still stand by my advice.