
Stun gun - worth the carrying?

Never gave them a ton of thought actually. Until recently I was of the understanding they were simply illegal in Michigan. Recently I found out that CPL holders can carry them after a requisite training class. Have started looking into pluses and minuses myself.
I'm sure there have been lots of posts on these items. I'm not buying most of the claims as my two stun guns exist on the ends of my arms. They're called fists. Comments?

To my way of thinking, I need to be too close to the threat for them to be effective. My first and favorite method is avoidance. The second is a good quality mace or pepper spray. The third and last (to avoid major injury/death) would be my firearm.
To my way of thinking, I need to be too close to the threat for them to be effective. My first and favorite method is avoidance. The second is a good quality mace or pepper spray. The third and last (to avoid major injury/death) would be my firearm.
a good plan. If someone gets in close -then a quality spray IMO is better than some stun gun. Especially for an unarmed goof. Closer and its go time. I just don't see the utility of stun guns, bc at that range you're already too close to the thug(s). I would choose one of my swords rather than some fancy bug zapper. Pistols though are better still.
Doesn’t need a stun gun……😬
To my way of thinking, I need to be too close to the threat for them to be effective. My first and favorite method is avoidance. The second is a good quality mace or pepper spray. The third and last (to avoid major injury/death) would be my firearm.
While I never got hit with a stun gun, when I was still at my sheriffs dept, I inadvertently got hit with there pepper spray during there training, I can vouch 100% that 💩 is very very potent even by just getting grazed by it
While I never got hit with a stun gun, when I was still at my sheriffs dept, I inadvertently got hit with there pepper spray during there training, I can vouch 100% that 💩 is very very potent even by just getting grazed by it
My wife pepper sprayed me, well kinda, and it was horrible. Full blast right in the face without knowing it was coming, thought someone flamethrowered my face off.
I believe they could be useful in certain situations for certain people. I don't see them being an effective deterent against an aggressive (possibly under the infulence) person. I've never been on the receiving end of one but I could imagine an attacker becoming enraged after getting hit with it. Like when cops deploy tasers and they have no affect. My wife used to carry one. She now has pepper spray in her purse and on her key chain. I believe this gives her the best chance of fleeing any threat if she's alone.