
Stun gun - worth the carrying?

I would actually love to have that as a tool for church security. It would be nice to have a non-lethal option that wouldn't affect the whole congregation. I would hate to have to deploy spray (I don't carry it) in the church. This would be a great way to help with one person who is out of control but not a lethal threat
1st: Each to their own.
2nd: Being notoriously lazy, I AIN'T CARRYING ALL THAT CRAP.
3rd: Geared more to L.E. As I see it, tasers are shaped more and more like handguns. At work the tasers and our S&W M&PS was shaped so similar that the holster where interchangeable. Just asking for a mix-up in the heat of the moment for less than well trained personal. IMHO. Training $ are finite. After all the sympathy, social justice, equity training (and how to use a fire extinguisher for the um-tenth thousands time 🤬 ) there are only so many $ left.
4th: As an aside because it has been mentioned, Peper spray/OC/Mace. I have seen it fail too many times to put much faith in it. Better than nothing no doubt, and maybe the best option for some. Yup, some people will fold like a cheap lawn chair at the faintest if whiff, but it really isn't that bad. Also, the more exposure you have to it the less effective it become. Ask me how I know.
While I never got hit with a stun gun, when I was still at my sheriffs dept, I inadvertently got hit with there pepper spray during there training, I can vouch 100% that 💩 is very very potent even by just getting grazed by it

Naa . We were deliberately given direct hit with OC , and then proceeded ( or attempted ) to run to a series of simulated fighting with Red Suits .

Reactions ranged from imeadately dropping where they stood to minimal effect . ( Reactions of Malfactors on the street is another story . )
Actually, I have trained with being on the receiving end of these. And no they are NOT useful for personal self defense .

Ignore everything you've seen in the movies or TV, it's greatly exaggerated fiction .

In the real world, you not only need to get up close and personal, you have to manually have them restrained, such that you can hold the device in good contact with them for 5 seconds plus . Just a touch and a zap movie style , they'll just jerk away from you , and either beat feet , or be ticked off at you enough to really start punching you .

It's actual narrow niche of usefulness is more in a custody situation.

They refuse to enter / exit their cell ? Dogplie them with C.O. and get the 5 sec contact while they're pinned , to get they temporary loss of muscle control , then handcuff them , and drag them into / out of cell .

Or on the street several Ofc are present with non comply ING subject . Resists cuffing . Insufficient reaction to OC .But threading the gap where not justified to shoot , and not prefered option for ASP Shampoo .

Couple of Ofc tackle , hold against fixed surface , whatever is sufficient to hold him still , 3rd Ofc apply device for 5 seconds, then cuff , and drag to cruiser .

For private individuals defending against typical attacks , " Step 1 - Place attacker in Full Nelson and immobilize him " is not realistic or relevant.


What IS useful is a genuine X 26 Taser ( the one that shoots the barbs with attached wires , from 20 feet away ( or a bit more). It works, from a relatively safe stand off distance .

The catch is the cost , $500 ‐ish .