
Stupid question

I have the same pistol and my magazines are marked 19 but they are designed to hold 20. I actually asked Springfield Armory about that. Thank goodness I have a Magula UpLULA speedloader or this old man probably couldn't get the last couple of rounds in the magazine.
From my experience, many manufacturers add extended plastic base plates to increased capacity magazine magazines. These magazines with extended plastic baseplates will still be marked with the capacity indicators on the original magazines. Some manufacturers will spend the money to develop a completely new magazine for the increased capacity versions, but most won't. I've always found the company website or owners' manual to be a more reliable source for determining capacity than the witness holes on the mags. Like Oaktree45 pointed out, actually getting all of the rounds into the magazines can be a challenge for the first few loadings.
Uplula...all day long!
My questions are:
If it requires mechanical advantage to stuff those last rounds in there, how long can one keep a magazine "full" before the spring tension degrades?
Does that high tension negatively affect functionality of the firearm?
Does degrading spring tension affect reliability?
I would definitely test these full magazines for functionality...repeatedly...before relying on them.

This advice applies to all detachable box magazine platforms.

In the days of the 1911, it was suggested loaded magazines be rotated annually and the springs replaced every ten years or so.

Besides, I doubt you will actually survive a life and death encounter if you felt like you needed to fire 20 rounds and have done a magazine exchange.
Somebody will have probably snuck up behind you and hit you in the head with a rock.
In which case, you probably should have been focusing on marksmanship instead of high capacity.

Uplula loaders are WONDERFUL products.

Just saying...
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I have the same pistol and my magazines are marked 19 but they are designed to hold 20. I actually asked Springfield Armory about that. Thank goodness I have a Magula UpLULA speedloader or this old man probably couldn't get the last couple of rounds in the magazine.
This mag loader may work better for you?
Fills out of conventional ammo box. Loads very quick pressing against a table top to fill mag.
May help relieve your hands and fingers? Works quicker than maglula for hi-cap mags including my XDM 9mm/
Terrible with Hellcat though.
