I got the suggestions part, but I was just relaying on what buffers and spring pressures I have. The 308s are easy, but the others(6.5cm, 260rem and 243win) have been a pain in the butt. I know I have a h1, but don't think anything heavier? I do have an extra pressure spring that would make a h1 + or = too a h2 or possibly h3? Standard spring pressure (don't know the psi) standard buffer weight( about 3.8oz). The 12.5" doesn't over pressure with a pistol length gas system, 16oz bcg and a standard pressure buffer spring. I hopefully answered the questions? If not label them as 1, 2, 3 and so forth so I don't get lost!I don’t need you to, I wasn’t understanding your previous post about going through different configurations to make it operate correctly but that you start with standard weights and pressure (I don’t know what your talking about here) and you don’t have any problems. I know what a carbine buffer weighs, and as I posted you can go to H1-H3. I’m either confused or we are not on the same page because I was posting a suggestion?