
Suckerburg admitting what we already knew

let me tell you about that censorship BS on Fookbook...

i have said a "few things" that the censors contacted me and said i'd be banned for saying so..(whatever the subject was)'' yet, THEY ALLOW pictures of pre-teens, and young girls in teeny bikinis for all the pedos to drool over....

wheres the censorship for that shite..?????

so they "ALLOW" what amounts to "kiddie perno" but limits free speech..????
Yet the Lemmings keep insisting this administration is for freedom. They've shown multiple times they in fact are anything but, keep repeating the lies they push out and hoping they become truth.
The East German police state would be proud.
Yet the Lemmings keep insisting this administration is for freedom. They've shown multiple times they in fact are anything but, keep repeating the lies they push out and hoping they become truth.
The East German police state would be proud.
its amazing how the dems "say": Trump wants to be a Dictator....

isn't what the dems have been and are doing, seem like dictatorship now..??
And if they, (giggles & war boy) get elected, it will just get worse on all aspects of our lives…. censorship will be just one……☹️☹️
again, they accuse Trump of wanting to be a Dictator, and here Giggles or the "cackling hen" as i like to call her, and her "hunched back war chicken shite coward, lying boy", want to be rid of the 2md amendment, censorship, and what will be next, freedom of religion, and all the other US Constitutional amendments.??
The "Party" doesn't want anyone to think for themselves.

Harris's father is a "Marxist Economist" (Oxymoron?) at Stanford.

Karl Marx said that 3 things competed with the Marxist Utopia run by an all powerful paternal state and had to be eliminated:
  1. The Nuclear Family
  2. Religion
  3. Private Property
If you read and listen to Harris's past speeches, interviews, and policies (carefully hidden now) and you look at the last three and one-half years of the Biden/Harris/Obama/Clinton Administration, you'll see so many matches with their polices and actions with Marx's top three enemies of the state that the picture becomes very clear on their intent and goal.

Those three and many other inalienable rights are protected from the government by the US Constitution which is why they want it dismantled and the SCOTUS muzzled and leashed.
And if they, (giggles & war boy) get elected, it will just get worse on all aspects of our lives…. censorship will be just one……☹️☹️
France, Germany, and the UK are a preview of what we'd be in for if Harris becomes Obama's new puppet for a 4th term.

I'll bet damn few people know Barrack Obama's step father raised him Muslim in Indonesia, he attended Occidental College in California for his undergrad as a dual-citizenship foreign national (Indonesia), and received foreign student aid from the US government.

That dual citizenship is why Hillary Clinton hatched the "Birther" rumor when he was her rival in 2008 and why it took so long to "find" his birth certificate and accompanying records. It was not because he was not born in the USA, he was, it was his adoption papers and Indonesian Muslim up-bringing and dual-citizenship they needed to redact.

This is all out there in books but expunged on-line as far as I know.