
Suckerburg admitting what we already knew

When he used the word "pressured" him into it is only to save face! He votes hard left and probably doesn't lose as many people as he gains on uckbuk!
Remember, it was Zuckerberg who gave $400 million for drop boxes and vote harvesting efforts.
Published 12:34 PM PDT, October 13, 2020
DENVER (AP) — Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, on Tuesday donated an additional $100 million to helping local election offices prepare for November even as some conservatives are stepping up their efforts to stop the funds from being used.
The contribution brings the total funding for the election from Zuckerberg and Chan to $400 million — the same amount that Congress allocated in March to help fund election offices as they dealt with the difficulties of adapting to new voting behavior during the coronavirus pandemic. Election experts had estimated it could cost $4 billion to make all the changes, but Senate Republicans never acted on a relief bill from the Democratic-controlled House that included $3.6 billion to help voting officials.
Zuckerberg and Chan stepped into the gap initially in September, with a $300 million donation. That came after other donors had already been contributing to the nonprofit that is receiving most of the Facebook founder’s contributions, the Chicago-based Center for Technology and Civic Life.
A Republican legal group late last week also announced it has filed lawsuits in nine swing states, including Iowa and Pennsylvania, against the donations.
Phill Kline of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project in a statement last week announcing the litigation called the donations “an insidious, coordinated, and stealth campaign to manipulate this year’s elections.”

Link to Associated Press Article: https://apnews.com/article/virus-ou...ns-elections-c2dcfde7fc750b7dd64243b0cf7fbb69
"There’s a lot of talk right now around how the U.S. government interacts with companies like Meta, and I want to be clear about our position," Zuckerberg wrote. "Our platforms are for everyone – we’re about promoting speech"
A walking breathing talking example of why abortion may not always be a bad option.
Schmuckerberg (Trump's nickname for him) is about as unbiased as Karine Jean Pierre or Tim Walz.
I take anything he says with a micro-grain of salt.