
Supreme Court sides with NY gun owners.

I believe regardless, NYS will continue to be risky for anyone using a CCW pistol in or outside the home. It will always be Red vs. Blue ideology. I moved from NY to FL where my now local county is very much Red. Gun ownership in FL is a total different experience compared to NY, and that won't change for NY. NYS could learn a lot from FL.

I had for many years a "Sportsman" CCW in NY (LI, Suffolk), useless and only permitted concealed carry to/from the range. Then they tried to force it to be unloaded with ammo in a lock box in the trunk of the car. That ultimately failed, but you see my point. You have a duty to flee even in your own home. IMO, it's great that we live in a Republic with differing values. If you live in a poo-hole, take your wallet $$$ and move, worked for me. Life is short.