thanks goodness, the manifesto has been finalized and released for this incident. Damn, they are getting faster lately aren't they?
My needle isn’t moving much even with the alleged manifesto.What about his "manifesto" that's now been released
I agree. Dude's fighting with his woman over some infidelity. He's got some PTSD going on. If he wanted to hurt people he definitely would have.My needle isn’t moving much even with the alleged manifesto.
My career field had the highest suicide rate in the Air Force. Line out of a 1.200 person Group it was like every 4-6 weeks one happened
There was a Shaw Ryan Show video posted and it sounded like it could have been the guy trying to get ahold of them but halfway through I’m sort of sold it’s no different that above!
Why I say that is what I experienced was a large percentage had some out there perceptions a lot of warped ones nowhere near reality. Like extreme paranoia and they try to convince you and you were there and that’s nowhere near what happed and you both were there!
So to me this is nothing more than a text book suicide although dramatic along the same lines. So unless something really concrete comes out that’s where I’m at. Everyone else can believe whatever