Master Class

Texas on Verge of Becoming 21st Constitutional Carry State
The Texas Senate followed the Texas House's lead and passed legislation to abolish the state's concealed permit requirement this week.

There was once a time where if a person was caught carrying a handgun under cover, he was thought immediately to be up to no good because only the Bad Guys did that.
As the times changed and the Yankee carpet baggers made their way across the fruited plain, it became uncomfortable for the creeps to be around so many openly armed, law-abiding citizens. They were now accused of “spoiling for a fight” and cajoled into believing the police would protect them and there was “no need” for the personal ownership of firearms. Slowly laws changed to prevent citizens from openly carrying their arms. Of course, laws were also passed to prevent citizens from carrying their arms concealed too!
Now, the criminals (those previously named carpet baggers) were free to predate on normal citizens at their leisure without fear of being shot.
It would appear that after a hundred years or more of this nonsense, we are slowly returning to our senses and once again allowing the law-abiding to protect their own loved-ones, property, and lives without getting permission from a non-existent law enforcement agency.
You will note: There have been no on-going riots in Texas where citizens are being threatened by BLM terrorists with guns.
Do ya have to ask why?