That's a tougher call. Cross the border with something harmful and they can expect a .338 pill to the dome. Violating another nation's sovereignty is another thing. I was onboard with bin Laden, it's tougher with a drug dealer when a lot of Americans really like their drugs. Hell, from my 20s I can say you'll never, ever feel better than you do after a few lines of coke and dancing with some pretty young thing. Bar none, that is the most euphoric feeling I've ever had. I wouldn't do it now, but some of the drug trade is self inflicted because they do feel amazing. My only point here is operating on Mexico's territory without Mexican permission. Drugs aren't coming here without being invited, unlike terrorism. Some cartel mule crossing the border with a load of yayo is rolling the dice with his grey matter meeting 55gr of lead but going there is a bit different.